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"Total opposites," Kellen observed. "I'd love to have brothers. Then maybe I could abdicate." His parents had made it abundantly clear that the Stern family was going to have a male at the head of the family, no matter how much of a tomboy Hateya was turning herself into.
"M license is for motorbikes," like the ones she had the girly helmet for. "The plan is to get the license, and then tell the parents after." This statement was accompanied with a grin.
"Not that kind of tied down," Kellen muttered, distracting himself from the question for a moment by planting a broccoli tree on his island. He wasn't even fully comfortable with the notion of going steady, let alone getting engaged or married. "The kind of tied down where the parents move out and I'm left raising my sisters. It's... kind of complicated. I mean, they're practically on their own now, so do I feel bad about shirking and stay home, or do I let them keep doing what they're doing while I globe-trot?"
"Don't jump off cliffs with parachutes when you're on it." Cela advised without explaning it any further. One of her brothers was reckless like that. A stunt flyer and it totally translated to every other area of his life. Including driving a motorbike off a cliff while wearing a parachute.
Cela marked a spot on the island with an X marked out of ketchup and tipped her head to one side.
"You could hire people." she suggested. "Nannies and tutors and stuff. Just temporarily. How old are your sisters?"