<3<3 Keep fighting, it will turn out okay <3<3
Nunually watched as new faces arrived and wondered if any faces she knew were back. This had been the second time she had seen all the students of Hogwarts in the same room. It felt strange to her and decided to look down. She stared at her pumpkin pie tempted to eat it. It had been almost 5 years since she had found out she was allergic to pumpkin. As she closed her eyes she still could remember the semi sweet, creamy taste before her mouth became itchy and she was beginning to have difficulty swallowing and breathing. Before long her abdomina began to hurt and she was sent into the emergency room. She opened her eyes and allowed her hair to cover her face. Oh the temptation. I wonder.... she shook her head as thoughts of eating it then going to the nurse in a hurry appeared in her head. Scenerarious began to play in her head. Before making it to the hospital wing she would pass out and have trouble breathing the other students staring at her and some wondering what they should do. She smiled, oh how she wanted to taste the semi sweet creamy pumpkin pie. "Oh well there are other sweet, I can have some cream puffs instead." she told herself. The end of the year was approaching.
Last edited by Akari-Sakura; 07-27-2010 at 06:54 AM.