Originally Posted by
Hello Harita. I'm so happy your computer problems are fixed and you have returned. I've been missing you very much, and I'm so glad you was able to post. You did wonderful showing us that our sweet quiet Sara, has some grit in her, and has a firm mind. I am however sooooooooooo thankful that she has calmed down, and is going to think more clearly about not going back.I loved this part! She didn't have to yell at himj, or get in his face, but just sat still and with her tone of voice was able to make her point.Are they ok? Will we find out what happened to them?
Very powerful and emotional post, and very well written. I'll be watching for your next, and good luck with the Goblin Awards. You're very deserving to win.
Thanks for reading Connie...
Originally Posted by
great plot Harita! keep on writing my friend!

Thanks VJ...
The next post will be up soon...
Here's the next post...Hope you guys like it...
A Rough Day…
*cough* *cough* and Hermione looked up from her book to see Harry emerging out of the fireplace of his apartment.
“ ‘evening Harry” she said brightly
“ ‘evening Hermione” he said smiled and his eyebrows raised as he saw Ron half asleep with his head on Hermione’s lap. Harry shook his head.
Harry walked into the kitchen to get some chilled butterbeer cans and then returned back and sat on his favorite couch
“hard day, hard day all throughout” he said shaking his head and taking a sip.
“How about you?” he asked Hermione
“oh had a hectic day too. Had meeting after meeting to attend and run around with notes for Mr Diggory. But it was a very interesting day, you know” she said and Harry couldn’t help but smile. It was Hermione’s habit of pointing out the best out of each day’s work even if all she did was running around from meeting to meeting and taking down notes for her boss.
“and how about Ronikinns?” asked Harry and Hermione chuckled as she looked down at the pleasant faced Ron sleeping.
She looked at his hand which was slightly looking red with burns
“well had a little bit of troublesome day today working over something” she said
“but will be alright” she said and just then Shaun emerged coughing.
He came a fell hard on one of the arm chairs.
“butterbeer?” asked Harry
“thanks” and Harry threw another can of it towards Shaun who opened it and took a large gulp of it
“looking very tired” stated Hermione and Shaun nodded
“horrible day”
“looks like everyone had, what’s your story?” Harry asked “couldn’t be that bad” he joked.
“3 hours of making potions with Malfoy just in the next corner, couldn’t be that bad right?” he said and Harry chuckled
“ok, I guess I understand your plight”
“thanks, and then transfiguration theory for Merlin’s Sake! I mean what are we training for? Teaching students?! What are we going to do with all the theory stuff with no practical to do!”
“well to know the practical you should know the theory” pointed out and Shaun just shook his head not ready to argue with Hermione. He ran his hand through his hair. Ron stirred and opened his eyes to see his friends sitting and talking around
“hello there sleepy head” said Hermione and Shaun and Harry rolled their eyes.
Ron woke up and sat up and rubbed his eyes and smiled stupidly at the rest which earned him a smack with a cushion thrown by Harry
“wha!” he said sleepily and the rest laughed out. They continued to laugh and talk and goof around and Shaun silently retreated and stared into the fire
“what’s up?” asked Hermione.
“Nothing” he said not taking his eyes off the fireplace.
“Alright lets lighten up his mood” Ron said smiling
“How’s your girlfriend Honeybourne, Macmillan?” he asked. Shaun ignored the comment and then shook his head
“She found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her” he said
“what? You? Ron started confused “when were you her boyfriend? I was just kidding…I didn’t…”
“its not me, idiot… Zacharias Smith” he said still looking in the fire and Hermione rolled her eyes and Harry snorted.
“that guy’s a git” Harry stated
“I know”
“no, really. He was a nuisance to us anyway” Harry continued
“yeah, right pain in the…” but he stopped looking at Hermione raise her eyebrow
“who was he with?” asked Hermione turning to Shaun again.
“Someone named Susan Bones” he said shrugging and Ron laughed
“Ron” Hermione said and rolled her eyes.
Shaun shook his head
“Cathe is in mess” he said running his hand through his hair and looked in the fire but the concern in his voice wasn’t missed by the bushy haired girl.
Have A Nice Day...