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Old 07-26-2010, 07:03 AM   #1094 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Vianna watched as her husband seemed to turn thoughtful for the next couple moments, apparently trying to figure out how to get this request of hers done. She was quiet for that time, merely watching him as one of her hands rubbed her growing belly absentmindedly, the belly that was being so picky this morning. The girl's eyebrows rose slightly as Ferris suddenly looked up with determination in his brown-eyed gaze, and her surprise only seemed to grow as he just shared two simple words with her - 'it's yours'. Vianna gave a small faint smile as his lips met her forehead before he disapparated from sight, leaving the girl alone in their brightly-lit bedroom. With a soft sigh, she leaned back into the pillows, her free hand now joining the other one on top of her perfectly round belly. "Aside from the ice cream, you've got some very Italian tastes in food, you know that, Gabe?" the girl muttered to her belly with an amused smile, chuckling softly to herself.

ooc: I'm off for now, Ruthersssss!! I hope we get to RP tomorrow!

— the sun & the moon
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