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Old 07-26-2010, 06:54 AM   #1093 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor

Ferris watched as Vianna let out a sigh, obviously not completely pleased with his current plans to get her some lasagna. He frowned slightly at this, watching as she made her way onto the bed and explained that she didn't want lasagna from a restaurant, that she wanted the dish she had as a little kid. His eyebrows rose at this request, rather confused until she explained that she wanted the one that Costa made. His eyebrows rose slightly once more, though this time it was in realization as his mind began to race, trying to figure out how to get this for her. Though his dark brown eyes had fallen to the floor in thoughtfulness, when they returned to Vianna's blue ones, his mind was made up. "It's yours," he said with a tone of finality, kissing her forehead before apparating away and disappearing right before her eyes.
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