Hello Abi, My goodness! What a breathtaking post! This post started off on the edge, and just kept on even more so.

Did that make sense? I'm just saying it started intense and kept getttting more intense.
Quite a while after the task had started, Alicia turned to Emily again, frowning slightly. Her green eyes held the panic she was trying to hide. Her long black hair whipped her face in the wind.
This was wonderfully written.
“Fight it… Please, fight it… Listen to them.” She frowned and then blinked.
Is this when Harry was dueling with Voldemort, and the last people he killed came back each telling him to get him... and then Harry's parents told him what and when to do it? This must be terrifying for Alisha to witness!
And then the mayhem started.
Oh my goodness! I'm glad you stopped there. I need to catch my breath before I can read anymore. Great post Abi. I'll be watching for the next.