Sooooo, I'm back... update time?
The three of them Apparated back to the Burrow around two in the afternoon and spread their news. Everybody squealed their delight except for Mrs. Weasley.
“Don’t you think it would be better to get an apartment for the first year?” she asked seriously after Emily and George told her.
Emily fidgeted with her shirt, not meeting her eyes while George exploded.
“What is your problem?” he shouted.
“It’s just your first year of marriage. Not to mention the fact that y’all are so young! You don’t need a big, huge house for the first few years,” she said defensively.
“We may not need it, but we do want it,” George said quietly.
“Now, if you’ll excuse us, my wife and I will be staying somewhere else for the night,” George said as he grabbed Emily’s hand and led her upstairs to his room to get their bags.
George slammed the door shut behind him and pounded the wall.
“George,” Emily whispered quietly. She had never seen him be this hostile towards his family before.
George moved around the room without looking at her. He slammed every drawer after he pulled out their clothes, stuffing them in their bags. Emily sat on the bed, staring at her husband. He left the room for a minute to grab everything from the bathroom. He finished zipping the last bag and then looked up.
“Are you ready?” he asked, looking at her forehead instead of her eyes.
“Are you sure you want to go?” Emily asked quietly.
“Of course I’m bloody sure!” he shouted.
“Okay, let’s go,” she whispered sadly.
Emily held tightly to his hands as he Disapparated. They landed in front of the joke shop. Emily staggered on the ground for a second, holding her ribcage. She gasped painfully, but George took no notice because of the steam rising in his ears.
George walked past her and up the stairs with the bags. Emily followed slowly after him, clenching her teeth so she wouldn’t scream. She held onto the railing for dear life as she walked up the stairs. George was magically putting their things away. Emily moved over to their dresser and rummaged around the top drawer with one hand. She heard the bed creak as George sat down. In the small mirror above the dresser she saw his head buried in his hands. She found the small bottle of dittany and tried to uncork it, but couldn’t manage it with one hand. Emily slowly lifted her hand from her ribcage to uncork it with both hands, but the pain was too much for her and she collapsed on the floor, the dittany rolling under the dresser.
“Emily!” George exclaimed.
“What happened?” he asked.
Emily lifted her bloody hand so he could see where she was splinched. His eyes went round as he picked her off the floor and placed her gently on the bed. He had a tear coming out of his eye as he started mumbling that it was his fault. She tried to object, but everything became dizzy and she passed out.
Emily awoke a few hours later in George’s arms. She looked down at her ribcage and found a light pink circle where her skin had been splinched. George breathed peacefully into her hair. He was asleep. She didn’t want to wake him, but she was extremely hungry, not having lunch. She twisted in his arms and kissed his tear stained face.
His eyes blinked repeatedly as he woke up. Then he remembered everything that happened.
“I’m so sorry, Emily! I should have been paying attention, and then I didn't even realize that you were—I just—I’m so sorry and—” George started.
Emily kissed his lips to shut him up and he kissed her urgently, passionately.
“I’m so—” he tried again, but she kissed him.
“Sorry,” he finished. She kissed him once more, moving her hands into his hair.
“I love you,” she said as she kissed his neck.
“I love you too, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t believe me,” he whispered miserably.
Emily pulled up to look at him.
“George, stop it. I love you and I know you love me. Forever and Always. I understand that you were upset. I understand why you didn’t register my pain. It’s okay,” she soothed. He flinched when she said pain.
“No, it’s not. It’s not okay,” he said. He looked down, refusing to meet her eyes.
Emily put her finger under his chin and forced his face up to hers.
“I’m saying it is okay; therefore, it is. Case closed, George Weasley. It’s okay, and if it weren’t for you, I would have never gotten the dittany on. Stop being too hard on yourself, I forbid it,” she stated.
George nodded feebly. Emily dipped down and kissed him again. She started kissing his neck and then his collarbone. Emily started unbuttoning his shirt as he pulled off hers, completely forgetting their hunger, for food that is.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you too,” she said as she pushed off his shirt.
“Forever.” “And Always,” he declared.
*I almost left you on a cliffie when she collapsed, but decided that you would probably kill me if I gave you another one... Hehe. Let me know whatchya think