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“It’s beautiful here,” he said as he glanced at the ocean view. The sun sent rays sparkling across the water.
Yep..it looks beautiful, I can just see it in my head
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Large trees with moss drooping down swayed in the breeze, covering the house. The house was painted a light lime green; the front door made of glass. The stone pathway was lined with lilacs, lilies, and roses. Emily looked up at the two-story house, the welcome mat under the front door. The porch had two rocking chairs and a porch swing. The shutters around the windows were painted light yellow.
Aww. It sounds lovely. Really homey. I can't wait untill they move in.
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A tear fell from Emily’s eye as she stared at a picture of both of her parents, her mother holding her after she was born. They were waving her hand, smiling widely. Amelia and Sirius Black couldn’t look happier as they held their daughter in their hands for the first time.
Aww don't cry Emily. I'm sure your mum and daddy wanted youu to be happy in this house.
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It was a picture of Lily, James, Sirius, Amelia, Remus, Harry, and Emily. Amelia and Lily were in front, holding their babies. They were all laughing like one big happy family.
Aww, thats cute
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It had seven bedrooms,
So how many children did you say they had planned???
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“Well, then, I guess welcome to your new home,”
Congratulations Emily and George!
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“Don’t you think it would be better to get an apartment for the first year?” she asked seriously after Emily and George told her.
Molly, Molly , Molly! Why should they get an appartment? I'm sorry but Mrs. Weasley-I really don't see your logic here. I warned you before. This is your last chance as I'm feeling nice today, but seriously get it stopped!
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Emily fidgeted with her shirt, not meeting her eyes while George exploded. “What is your problem?” he shouted.
Does Mrs.Weasley purposlly make Emily feel like that. And BTW Go George

good or you standing up to her. Its about time someone did. So what is her problem.
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*Hehe, I'll leave it there and I'll see you on Sunday!

Tell me whatchya think

Emily have fun on your trip Deary! Hurry back for Sunday though. I can't wait to find out whats going to happen! PAMS. (anychance of a wee spoiler before you go? Please?)
S x