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Old 07-22-2010, 11:02 AM   #687 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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SPOILER!!: Comments
Originally Posted by Connie View Post
Hello Emily. Hope you're having a great time. Anyway, I hope I wasn't the one who delayed your post till you got back. I didn't get to get on SS till after 11:00 PM. Everyone has already commented on what I was going to say. So, I'll just say ditto to what Sophie said. I will say though that Fred is a pill!
Great post. I'll be watching for your next, and I do hope you're having a great time and making great memories.
Hehe, thanks, Connie Fred is a pill, but quite funny
Since I have a few minutes before my friends get here to pick me up, I have time to post the next bit

Emily, George, and Remus Apparated to the outskirts of Shell Cottage together, on Sandy Lane. Emily glanced around and noticed the familiar atmosphere.

“Remus, this is so close to where we live. Why didn’t you ever take me to it?” she asked with an air of irritation.

“I wasn’t ready to tell you,” he said quietly. Emily nodded vaguely. Remus started down the street as Emily and George followed after him. George pulled Emily into his side, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, her arm stretching around his waist. He kissed the top of her head and smiled.

“It’s beautiful here,” he said as he glanced at the ocean view. The sun sent rays sparkling across the water.

“Mmmhmm,” she answered.

“I think you’ll love the house,” Remus shouted back at them. He stopped suddenly and turned left into a driveway. Emily glanced at George.

Large trees with moss drooping down swayed in the breeze, covering the house. Emily and George turned onto the drive. Emily caught her breath as George smiled widely. The house was painted a light sea foam green; the front door made of glass. The stone pathway was lined with lilacs, lilies, and roses. Emily looked up at the two-story house, the welcome mat under the front door. She smiled at the beauty of her would-be childhood house. George tightened his grip on her shoulder and led the way to Remus, who was standing on the adorable porch. The porch had two rocking chairs and a porch swing. The shutters around the windows were painted a faded light green.

Remus held the door open for them, and they walked in slowly. Emily’s eyes were wide as she looked around the living room. Pictures of her as a baby were sitting on the mantle above the cozy fireplace. There were even a few of her and Harry on the walls. A tear fell from Emily’s eye as she stared at a picture of both of her parents, her mother holding her after she was born. They were waving her hand, smiling widely. Amelia and Sirius Black couldn’t look happier as they held their daughter in their hands for the first time.

Emily looked around the room. The couch and matching furniture were a bit outdated for her taste, but the house looked like it was well kept for. Emily didn’t see a spot of dust and everything was neat and organized. There was a large shelf that stretched the length of the walls, which were a sky blue. Remus picked up a picture frame from an end table.

“This is one of my favorite pictures,” he whispered. Emily went to inspect, George right behind her.

“Awe, you look adorable, Ems,” George whispered in her ear. It was a picture of Lily, James, Sirius, Amelia, Remus, Harry, and Emily. Amelia and Lily were in front, holding their babies. They were all laughing like one big happy family.

“I’ll have to get a copy for Harry,” she said quietly as she smiled down at a smiling her.

“Come on, let me show you the kitchen,” Remus said, walking through an arched doorframe.

Remus showed Emily and George the remainder of the house. It had seven bedrooms, an entertainment room, a dining room, living room, kitchen, four and a half baths, and a finished basement. It was huge and gorgeous.

“So, what do you think?” Remus asked as they all sat down in the living room.

“I think it’s amazing,” George said.

“I love it,” Emily agreed.

“Well, then, I guess welcome to your new home,” he bellowed with a happy smile. “This calls for a round of drinks,” he said as he pulled out his wand. With a small swish, three Butterbeers appeared and zoomed into their hands.

“I’m so excited!” Emily gushed. “I can’t wait to get my hands on it!”

“Me too,” George said. “Let’s go tell everybody!” George exclaimed happily.

The three of them Apparated back to the Burrow around two in the afternoon and spread their news. Everybody squealed their delight except for Mrs. Weasley.

“Don’t you think it would be better to get an apartment for the first year?” she asked seriously after Emily and George told her.

Emily fidgeted with her shirt, not meeting her eyes while George exploded. “What is your problem?” he shouted.

*Hehe, I'll leave it there and I'll see you on Sunday! Tell me whatchya think

Last edited by Emileyn; 08-09-2010 at 09:42 PM.
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