Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science!
Oliver had slunk back into a deep slumber and seemed unaware of anything at all as Cam Trixie tilted his head forward and the healer poured potion down his throat.
Hmm... but he sure was suddenly relaxed. “Ham...” He sighed softly. "Hm..."
The next thing he knew, he was awake and feeling rather disorientated. He blinked, trying to get his eyes to focus. The rather blurred shape of Trixie came into view above him. “Heey Trrrix.” He slurred drowsily to the girl and gave her a drunken smile.
Hang on a sec... Where in Merlin's name was he? And what was up with his nose!? He raised a hand and tentatively touched it, his hand snapping away abruptly. “OW!” He whined. Jeez – what the hell!? He sat up on his elbows and looked around. He was in the Hospital Wing! Merlin's pants! Healer Moretti came into focus next and then Cameron. That's right.. Cam had brought him here after Trixie... hit him square in the face with a cricket ball. Hard. Hmph.
He sat up fully and gripped the side of his head when the room began to spin. “Thankss for waking me, Mrs Morrretti.” He slurred to the nurse and forced a smile. “I'll be on my way now...” Maan, he felt like he was on a muggle merry-go-round. He stood up only to fall back down again. Merlin. This was not good. Gulp.
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