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Old 07-20-2010, 02:56 PM   #62 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Cherrinell Baron
First Year
JayMay ♥ Big, yellow duckie <3

SPOILER!!: Maxie!!
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie View Post
Caustic Potash?

Gold hadn't thought of that, to be honest. She had put forward the first suggestion that had come to her mind. But it looked like Xylon was alright with it, with Milk of Magnesia as the key neutralizer, so she nodded. "Well, that's settled then," she said, as she placed a little tick next to the name of the ingredient, on the list she had drawn up.

Oh my, they were on to the procedure. This was the delicate part, no doubt. Gold had seen, more than once, that it was easy to come up with ingredients, if you had a good knowledge of Potions. The difficult part, then, was to mix them in the right way. There were all sorts of reactions that took place, a lot of them that didn't even show themselves in colour changes of sudden explosions, and those could make or mar a concoction.

She listened to him and, when he had fallen silent, nodded. "Sounds good so far," she said, politely. "I think the mint and bezoar should go in next, because they form the key bases of what we're aiming to get - a brew that will cure a kneazle who's vomitting." Her green gaze turned away from Xylon, to look at the sick creature, again.

"Crushed mint and the bezoar, then, stirred until they fully dissolve into the base potion. We should alternate the stirring - to activate the change - clockwise once, anti-clockwise then, clockwise again and so on, until both ingredients can no longer be seen. It would be a good idea to add the Fluxweed, then. We can probably have a double dose of Fluxweed, for more effective or forceful change. Sound okay?"

The intense study she had done for her Potions OWL last year seemed to be paying off. Gold was glad.

Text Cut: Gold's notebook
_Potions Final_
Gold Laksh && Xylon Saar

Brew a potion to treat a sick kneazle.
Kneazle is vomitting.

[] 1 and 1/2 gallons water
[for the purpose of hydration]
[] Two handful of Valerian blossoms, whole
[as a sedative]
[] Eight standard-sized cups of orange juice
[energy, vitamins and minerals]
[] One bezoar, crushed
[to nullify the effects of any poison]
[] Six tablespoons of lemon juice
[] Four tablespoons of salamander blood [for strength]
[] Fourteen leaves of fluxweed, ground
[agent of change]
[] One ounce mint, crushed
[curses nausea]
[] Two cups of Milk of Magnesia

[] Introduce the water in your cauldron.
[] Bring to a boil.
[] Add in the orange juice, and stir in one direction until it blends.
[] Lower the heat.
[] Introduce crushed mint and the bezoar into the cauldron, one after the other.
[] Stir, alternating directions after each stir, until both ingredients have fully dissolved into the potion.

Gold had this neat, orderly, perfectionist way of doing things that always made Xylon raise an eyebrow. He could never live that way if he tried. It meant taking a lot of extra bother.

But as he looked down at her notebook, he had to admit it to himself that it was a huge help.

"Sounds excellent," he said as he gathered his thoughts. "I think it would be a good idea to add the Valerian blossoms next. The disintegration would require vigorous stirring of course." He paused thoughtly. "Two-directional I believe. From what I understand that should make the process quicker and more effective." They had nothing to loose, did they?

"The lemon juice goes next. We'll let it blend on its own ---" Might not be the best idea to give that a good shake. Lots of citric acid, Xylon presumed. "Bring the mixture to a boil to help things along and pour in the Milk of Magnesia. Or do you suppose we should stir that in instead?"

His look was faintly inquiring.


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