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Old 07-18-2010, 09:41 AM   #90 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Oz Thickey
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Leon Odessa
The Eye of Sauron | Zan-y | Snake Charmer

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
Right. Good. At least he wasn't just gonna throw one on them and let it be survival of the fittest. Because Ellie would fall in the unfit category. At least when it came to protecting herself, seeing as she wasn't sure how...

"Brilliant." she said. And meant it. Always handy to learn how to protect yourself before you were put in a dangerous situation.

Oh, and combat? Exactly how did a sea creature 'combat'? Did it have legs and arms and stuff to do some kind of boxing type thing? Or swords? And seeing as she didn't know, she kept quiet. Sure, she had a few guesses. But she wasn't about to say them. Nope.
Brilliant? What was? Truebridge just nodded. He supposed there were a lot of things that were brilliant.

Originally Posted by DH Vixen View Post
Mina blinked as she looked around. Cucumbers? Yeah, she should have thought about planting those in herbology instead of strawberries and eggplants. Those weren't going to help her if she encountered a Kappa now, were they?

Jotting down everything as she heard it, she looked up as she hear the next question and raised her hand. Oh, she knew this one! "Sumo wrestling. They are said to be rather curious of human civilization and like to challenge those they met to tests of skill." Yes, they were tricky little things, they were.
"Thats right, Sumo." Truebridge agreed.

Originally Posted by individual View Post
Ohhh now she was insanely confused. Conjure a cucumber? But, that would be a food. And having actually been paying attention in Transfiguration class, wouldn't that be impossible? Unless, it was a FAKE cucumber! Which would give them time to run away before the Kappa even realized it was fake.

Now see, this is why she hated Transfiguration. Not only did she pretty much fail at it, it also messed up all her other classes.

A form of combat? Well, if it could be called a form of combat... if she could even remember what it's called. "Don't they challenge people to...summi something. Some form of Japanese wrestling." she said after raising her hand before continuing on with her reasoning. "I guess since they are native to Japan, that would be their combat of choice since...that form of wrestling is big there, and they like to see peoples skills and such or something." Or something. Yea. It's not like she read up on wrestling in her spare time.

Teehee. See their skills. See if they're worthy of living more like it!
"Sumo." Truebridge corrected, "And yes, it is Japanese wrestling."

Originally Posted by The1HBIC View Post
Marie had no clue what the answer was to this one. All she knew was that they strangled and drown their victims before mutilating them and then drinking their blood and eating their liver.

Oh well, might as wel try answering the question.

"Professor, since the Kappa has to have water in the top of its head at all times when it is on land I am assuming that it needs to do any type of combat in the water." Okay, so that didn't exactly answer the question yet now did it. "Once the victim is in the water the Kappa will drown them. This could be done by wrestling maybe. Or maybe the Kappa strangles its victim." Yeah, she really had no clue what she was talking about here.
"And that would mean that were you to accept a wrestling challenge from a Kappa, you'd be best off if you stipulated the location for the wrestling bout to be on dry land so you could aim to empty their head water and therefore gain an advantage." Truebridge nodded at Marie.

Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie View Post
Gold raised a hand. "It's sumo wrestling, if I'm not mistaken, sir," she said. "It's a Japanese martial art, which would figure." Kappa = native to Japan, after all. "Kappas have a unique kind of 'intelligence,' and I suppose they get a kick out of testing other people's skills, against their own. Plus, they're clever trouble-makers and they're probably aware that Sumo is something that gives them an edge over a human opponent, because of their built and strong arms." What strange, impish creatures.

"Then there is the fact that they seem to be drawn by certain aspects of human civilization, and even prize specific skills. Maybe it's their idea of a 'fair and square' win."

"Good. Yes its Sumo and they do like to test themselves against others. They're very clever and it is indeed the type of match up which favours their strengths. Good thinking about the 'fair' match up idea."

Originally Posted by Dianna Malfoy View Post
"Sumo." oops. that was a little to loud. Lowering her hand a little bit she continued.
"Kappas love sumo wrestling so people shouldn't bother to try and fight them.because it will be no use.."
Thinking she added "I guess it's because they want to see how good their opponent is..?" she said.
"Unless you happen to be a particularly good sumo wrestler." And... Truebridge was not. He had no intention of ever getting into that sort of situation with a Kappa.

Originally Posted by PattyH. View Post
"The Kappa's like to wrestle human, Sumo style," Patroclus replied with his hand up, "some would say it's so that they can test the skills of Humans, and they would be correct, but I also think its be cause the Kappa's like the look of the Sumo's diapers...Mawashi...i think its called and they want one from themselves!"

Cheeky Human eating Kappas!
"We can... ask the Kappa about that." Truebridge gave Patroclus a curious little nod. Strange boy. The Gryffindors were like that though. Strange and often brilliant. Possibly why one of Truebridge's best friends was a former Gryffindor.

Originally Posted by springbaby View Post
Daisy raised her hand,"They fight via Sumo style Professor. It wouldn't be very wise to fight them though becuase they're very strong and could easily crush a human."
"I'd say they'd certainly be a match for you, but I suspect a Kappa might not have an easy time of crushing me." Truebridge answered, offering a small smile for Daisy. "They are very strong though."

Originally Posted by Jessica View Post
Easily crush a human? Xylon doubted that. The Kappa might be at an advantage with those monkey-style looks but Xylon thought it was dubious that one might 'crush' a human.

"Maybe they fight Sumo style because that's the only form of combat they've been able to pick?" He asked, hand in air. He knew they could challenge people to that board-game thingy sometimes but that wasn't a form of 'combat' so he didn't mention it.

"Its possible. Certainly if other forms of combat they've come across involve metal weapons or body positions that would easily spill their head water. Good. Xylon."

Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys View Post
They were going to feed one? "Cool! Professor can we let it out now? Could I... Feed it first?" Or maybe it was already out... and hiding, muahahaha! "Maybe they could use the ninja form of combat! surprise attack!" Rae really had no idea. Good mood and hyperness mixed with Rae equaled all of this randomness... Like the giant chicken in the Transfiguration class.. HAHAHAHAH!
"I have a few helpers bringing the Kappa in after we're done talking about the creature. You can certainly be the first to approach it if you like. Assuming you pay attention and listen well."

Originally Posted by Balvir View Post
Zane raised his hand, "Is it some form of wrestling? And could the match be over once the Kappa has either killed the victim or when all of the water has fell off the Kappa's head?"
"It is. Sumo wrestling. And I'd say you're right about those completion points. Good." Truebridge looked around.

"Can anyone describe what Kappa look like?"
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