Thread: Harry Potter: Now, Forever, and Always - Sa16+
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Old 07-18-2010, 01:49 AM   #152 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

New posty!

Emily lay in her bed as the breeze flew in through the window. She was upside down, her head hanging over the side of the bed. She stared out the open window, at the moonlight. Full moon was last night; I wonder how he is, Emily thought to herself with a sigh. She went into a reverie as she thought about the day’s events. Her hand subconsciously went to the pendent around her neck.

“I knew this thing wouldn’t work,” she muttered as she took it off her neck. She tossed it onto the sheets of her bed as she noticed an owl coming her way.

“Bluejeans?” Emily asked as the owl landed on her bed. She sat up and took the letter from his leg. She pet him for a minute before she turned her attention to her letter. Bluejeans flew over to her bedside table and started pecking at the drawer.

“Okay, okay, I get the hint,” she chuckled as she opened the drawer and pulled out some treats for him. He nibbled away as she unfolded the parchment.

She read through it twice before realizing what it said. She grabbed her quill and wrote a response on the back.

I don’t know if you really deserve an understanding, but I’ll give it to you. Meet me in the empty classroom down the corridor we met in earlier this morning.

She sighed before she attached it to Bluejeans’ leg and sent it off. She made her way downstairs, passing Alicia by the table and Hermione, Ron, and Harry by the fireplace. She paid them no attention and went out the Portrait hole and down the hall. It was only a few more minutes before Jamie joined her.

“Thanks for coming,” he said quietly as he shut the door. Emily just nodded. Jamie leaned up against the wall as Emily sat on top of one of the desks.

“Where would you like me to start?” she whispered.

“Maybe you should start at the beginning,” he said.

Emily let out a gust of air before nodding. She looked down at the dusty floor. “Well, we met, met in second year. It was when the whole Chamber thing was going on. I was worried about Alicia because she was a Muggle born and what not, remember? Well, I went for a run, you know, like I always do when I need to think or get away. It was extremely early in the morning, like four o’clock early. I collapsed by the lake only to find that Draco was already there, sitting under a tree. At first, we called each other names, we sneered, just like usual, but since neither of us wanted to leave our spot, we ended up talking. Before I knew what was happening, he was telling me everything about him.” Emily looked up and met Jamie’s eyes.

“He told me about his marriage contract to Pansy and the way his father expects him to act. He told me everything, Jamie, and before either of us could look back, we fell for each other. I told him everything about me, everything I knew at least. I fell for him and he caught me, Jamie.” Emily’s eyes became glossy as her tears started piling up. “I don’t know what to tell you. You know how when you looked at Alicia, you knew she was the one?” Jamie nodded. “That’s how it is with Draco. I know he’s been a right git to everyone and I know that what he did to Alicia was horrible, but it’s how I feel. It’s not like I can just snap my fingers and turn out of love. Put yourself in my shoes, Jamie. If the roles were all switched and Alicia attacked me, tried to break me and Malfoy up, and what not—You’d still love her, wouldn’t you?”

“Yeah, I would, but Alicia isn’t Malfoy. He’s done some unforgivable things, Emily. How can I just let that go?”

“Don’t you trust me? Before you knew about any of this, didn’t you trust my opinion?” Emily asked in a pleading manner.

“Yes, but—”

“No buts, Jamie. If you trusted me then, then you should be able to trust me now. It’s still me, just like I’ve always been; you just know one of my secrets now. Jamie, please,”
Emily said. She pushed off from the desk and crossed the room to him.

“I—I…” Jamie looked at her pleading face. She was a sister to him. But Malfoy? Her eyes were large as he turned it over and over in his head. He loved Ali, and he couldn’t live without her. He used to trust Emily, but look at the choices she’s made. “I guess I still trust you,” he said quietly. Emily smiled swiftly at him before wrapping her arms around his middle.

“Thanks, Jamsie,” she said into his chest. He chuckled lightly as he hugged her back.

“I’m sorry for, you know, hitting you this morning… I just got so angry and it was a reflex really. I didn’t mean it,” he said quickly.

“It’s okay, I probably would have done the same,” she whispered.

“It’s not okay, E, I hit you. I should be expelled or something,” he said miserably.

“Since I’m the victim and it’s my decision, I say it’s okay,” she said as she leaned back to look at him. He gave her a small smile before it turned into a frown again.

“Emily, I really am sor—” he started again.

“If you finish that sentence, I’ll slap you,” Emily interrupted. Jamie chuckled lightly as she put her hand on her hip.

“Okay, squirt, let’s go,” he laughed.

“Who are you calling squirt, sissy?” she asked with her eyebrows raised.

Jamie opened the door of the classroom. As they walked down the hall, he stuck his tongue out at her and she returned it. They stopped short of the Portrait hole. The Fat Lady looked at them with an amused look.

“I’ve got your back,”
Jamie said quietly.

Emily gulped, nodding. “Let’s get this over with.”

“Who’s the sissy now?” Jamie laughed as he told the Fat lady the password. The two of them walked in as Emily starting slapping Jamie in the gut.

Most of the people stared over at them, stopping what they were doing. Emily and Jamie quieted down as they noticed everyone staring. Emily gulped again as her eyes gazed over the room, falling on Alicia. Her book plopped down on the table with a thud as she looked from Emily to Jamie.

Emily shrugged her shoulders with a sigh as Jamie stared back. Alicia stood up slowly, coming closer. As she looked back at Jamie, she ran up to him and in his open arms. Emily smiled slightly as Jamie apologized and told her he loved her.

“Ems, I-I’m sorry,” Harry stuttered as he approached her. “Alicia’s right, you’re basically my little sister. I should trust your judgment. If you say he’s not that bad, maybe, only maybe, he’s not that bad. I’ll take your word for it,” he said quietly.

“Harry?” Emily asked. He looked at her as he waited for her to continue. “There’s one problem with what you said.”

“What?” he asked as he knitted his eyebrows together.

“I’m older than you, so, technically, I’m your big sister, not little,” Emily chuckled. Harry sighed in relief.

“Only technically. In other means, I’m totally older,” he joked.

“Whatever,” she said with the roll of her eyes. She stepped up to him and gave him a hug. “And I’m not basically your sister, Harry, I am your sister,” Emily whispered into his chest.

“I know. Forgive me for not acting like a great brother?”

“You’re forgiven. Just don’t do it again,”
she said.


*Let me know whatchya think

Last edited by Emileyn; 07-19-2010 at 07:52 PM.
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