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Old 07-17-2010, 03:50 AM   #70 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe View Post
Preston walked over to where Miss Flores sat. "Its really best that you handle it with your own hands. Otherwise, it'll get scared and when you stop levitating it, it might run away." Preston looked down at her.

"If you have concerns about holding it, I can come with you and show you how best to do so."
Hmmm, perhaps noooooot.

"No, no. I can...get it." she said, slowly standing up and bringing her wand just in case. Alright. Chickens, definitely were not her favorite animal in the world, but it's not like she could die if she was pecked.


Staring at all the chickens, she decided to just go with her tail of seeds idea, and what she needed, was a really stupid chicken. So, carefully examining each one, by the time she went through ten chickens, she pretty much decided that they all were pretty stupid looking. Except that one right there. The one staring a hole in her head. That one was smart...

Moving to the other side so she didn't have to deal with the smart chicken, along the way, she quickly glanced around to see where the professor was before grabbing a handful of chicken feed and making a small tiny trail of it behind her. ALRIGHT! Now time to find the dumbest chicken here.


And we have a winner! Putting her wand up her sleeve, she opened the pen and quickly grabbed the chicken she had her eyes on before...dropping it on the floor near the seed. Take the bate. TAKE IT! TAKE I- Oh, it was taking it. Perhaps chickens really weren't that smart after all.

Except that one that was still staring a crater in her head. Eesh. What was it's problem!? It's not like she was calling IT dumb or anything. Just the other ones. Following the one slightly tan chicken that was eating up her trail of feed that she placed for it, passing by the huge bag of chicken feed, she grabbed another handful before extending the line trail all the way to her desk.

Mwahahahahahaha! YES! Follow the trail to your pillow DOOOOM!
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