Originally Posted by
emerald dawn
“Did you forget I live here?” He said, and then he looked at me.
Hehe, this part made me laugh. Loved it
Bahaha, soooo Ron
“WHAT?!?” Ron shouted. And then everything turned silent. And trust me, it was past creepy. Hermione’s face drained of blood, while Ron’s face seem to fill up with it.
Haha, I love Ron and his temper.
“Well, she sure does like blast-ended skwert and bunnies, I guess.” I said, laughing quietly.
“Shut up! It was a birthday present!” Ron roared.

This was hilarious.
“Yes! That word!” He exclaimed. You would think that Ron would be saying more than a few words. But for him, I think no food + surprise + anger = partial stupidity.

I love this part. It's just too funny. And I could totally picture Ron's expression.
But I was about to fix that.” I added.
“Nothing. Happy eating…”
Bwahaha, good choice, Harry. Just let that one go.

Great post! PLEASE PAMS!