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"Well, 'ello, 'ello gov'na!" Andrew said as he took the man's hand and returned with a more theatrical handshake, waving Armen's hand up and down. "Me name's Andrew 'Atter!" He let go of his new boss's hand and then tipped his hat in his direction. "Looks loike ya got a few people in 'ere!" he exclaimed as he made his way into the office and squeezed in and out between people examining the office from floor to ceiling. "Wa, is this your office? Ya could play a Itch And Scratch of Quidditch in 'ere!" After freely walking about the office he stopped in front of Armen once more. "So where do ya want me pitch 'n' toss? I'm ready ter get daahhhn ter business!"
Armen smiled at the man waiting for him to take his turn in introducing himself. He could tell the guy was a little...odd. But that wasn't uncommon in the Ministry to be honest. So he stepped back and allowed the guy and the woman who had also come to visit into the office.
Looking at the man with a confused expression, Armen wasn't sure what to do. Should he call security on this looney tune or just wait and see. It was a good thing he waited because the man introduced himself, and after a second of trying to get through his thick accent, the Department head realized this was Theron's replacement.
"Oh it's great to meet you Andrew...and uh yeah there are alot of people in here." he chuckled slightly. This guy was defanately going to take some getting used to.
"Oh do take a seat, and I can tell you where you are being assigned." he sure hope that was what he had meant by pitch and toss???
"You my friend are the replacement for my old Divison Head of Floo Powder." he said with a small smile.
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"I thought we were gonna win too," Laura giggled. She put one finger to her lips, signalling that she would be quiet and not tell Ingrid or Theron about their thoughts. It was a shame that Theron was leaving them so soon. She had barely had the time to get to know the man! Maybe his replacement would be just as nice as him.
Laura smiled as Armen hugged her again. Merlin, she really didn't want to go. "Of course, I'll be back plenty of times to make sure you're treating it lavishly," she said, patting the sculpture lightly. "Make sure to dust it everyday." She laughed and followed him to the door. Oh, and he held the door open too. How gentlemanly-like! Nodding gratefully, Laura walked out the door and toward the work area, but not before giving the odd man waiting outside a strange look.
Armen chuckled as Laura made her way towards the door and continuing about the statue.
"Oh believe me it will be in good hands. And I will dust it every day....maybe even twice." he let her pass him through to the door and waved goodbye to her as she left.
She was such a great Division Head, he wasn't sure what he would do without her sometimes. Closing the door, he returned to his desk and the other employees in the office.