STUPID DUMB CAT ! "PRISSY ! C'mon...."Savannah said ,running her fingers through her blonde hair. She hated this cat at times. It insisted it never walked anywhere, it had to be carried at all times. Ugh, this cat thought it was royalty which it wasn't even if she was kind of related to the Conrads who were royalty by Sav's definition.
The cat just stared at her and meowed, wanting to be crazy. Savvy could tell what was going through Priscilla's mind right now. PICK ME UP, I'm lazy and fat. Prissy was heavy though, and Savannah really didn't want to carry her back down to the dungeons. "No, cat. I'm not picking you up. You need to lose weight, father says you are obese and need exercise, walking is a good form of exercising..."
Oh sweet merlin, she was rambling.TO A FREAKING CAT.
Savannah Conrad was now convinced she needed serious mental