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Old 07-14-2010, 09:35 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Armen heard the knocking at first too, pretty low though so he continued to admire his new sculpture givin to him by his friend Luara, YAY! "Yes we did work together quite well if I may say so myself. Don't tell Theron and Ingird but I thought we were sooo gonna win." he chuckled as he pretended to whisper it to her. Mentioning Theron made him think sadly of how the man had resigned and he was supposed to be getting a new Floo Network Divison Head soon too.

After still more knocking Luara began to stand up mentioning she was going to leave and make room for the others. Yeah it made sense and all but he didn't want her to have to go, but she was being nice to the others as he should probably too. "Ok well thanks again for the gift, I looove it." he stood up hugging her again. "Be sure to come back and visit it and me." he laughed and then walked over to the door to let her out and whoever was knocking in.
"I thought we were gonna win too," Laura giggled. She put one finger to her lips, signalling that she would be quiet and not tell Ingrid or Theron about their thoughts. It was a shame that Theron was leaving them so soon. She had barely had the time to get to know the man! Maybe his replacement would be just as nice as him.

Laura smiled as Armen hugged her again. Merlin, she really didn't want to go. "Of course, I'll be back plenty of times to make sure you're treating it lavishly," she said, patting the sculpture lightly. "Make sure to dust it everyday." She laughed and followed him to the door. Oh, and he held the door open too. How gentlemanly-like! Nodding gratefully, Laura walked out the door and toward the work area, but not before giving the odd man waiting outside a strange look.
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