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"You don’t know him like I do." Emily whispered shakily. She stared at the floor, refusing to look at any of them.
Of course they don't. He's so lovely and charming and sweet when he's with emily
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“No, not bad at all, he just attacked Alicia, tried to sabotage our relationship, and tried to kill us the other night,” Jamie said sarcastically.
It's always about you isn't it Jamie!
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“Jamie, please, he only did that because of me. If you want someone to blame, blame me,” Emily said as she stood up straighter.“If you want,” he said with a shrug.
Don't blame yourself-walk away form Jamie. Ok I'm sorry but Jamie-your a twat! So emily just walk away from him.
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Jamie narrowed his eyes, his hands shaking madly. Alicia started walking towards him, but she didn’t reach him in time. Jamie slapped Emily across the face. Her hand went immediately to her now pink cheek.
JAMIE!!! I warned you. I'm sorry but you have caused me to take further action :hack:


! Be warned Jamie- I'm coming to get you :hack:so you better hide

Alicia-dump him, Dear. Your too good for him. He hit your best friend
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“Is this spot of grass taken?” somebody asked from behind her. She looked up at him upside down and shook her head.
Aww. Draco to the rescue
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“It means that we had our shot and I blew it. You need to go back to your friends, Ems.”
Don't listen to him Emily. He fell and hit his head. He doesn't know what he's saying.
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“I hate you,” she whispered. Emily walked away from him, heading towards her dormitory.
There's a thin line between love and hate, Emily.
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*Alrighty, tell me whatchya think. And don't be too hard on Jamie

Sorry. I was hard on Jamie, but I couldn't contain my anger. Sorry

It was a great post, but please let her go back to Malfoy.