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New post!
Emily and George decided to go to Amelia’s family’s cabin for their honeymoon. Emily and Remus used to go there every year for Thanksgiving until school started.
It's nice how they are going to a place where they will feel at home.
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“You two have fun,” Remus said as he hugged Emily. “But not too much fun,” he said as he shook George’s hand.
Oh Remus, let them grow up a bit! As if they're not nervous enough!
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“So I could do this,” he said as he swooped down and picked her up, literally knocking her off her feet. Emily giggled as he walked her over the threshold.
Aww thats cute!
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“I have a few ideas,” he whispered as he gently placed her on the bed.
“Hmm, I’d like to hear these ideas,” she whispered.
Ok guys, I think thats our cue to leave
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*Let me know whatchya think

Aww Emily it was lovely! I can wait for the next chapter!
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*So, tomorrow I'm leaving for Freshman Orientation and I won't be back until Friday night... So the next post will be either Friday night or Saturday morning... It depends on what time I get home 
WHAT! You mean your just leaving! I'm kidding-but whats Freshman Orientation??? Hurry back-If you don't we may have to hunt you down

. What are we going to do without MYUTM??? I'm rather saddened by this