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John felt like visiting his old..'Small' Boss who now turned out tho be his 'Big' Boss...Realising how dumb he sounded talking to himself he walked over to the door, took his hand and knocked; once, twice three, four times..It sounded like a weird tune and Armen must have thought he was getting impatient, so he stopped knocking and decided it was best if he stood beside the door leaning against the wall as he waited on him answering.
Laura heard a few knocks on the door. Goodness! Armen was getting a LOT of visitors! His office would soon be a madhouse!
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Armen laughed as he noticed Luara looking around his office. "Yeah I had to make it my own. It was way too empty and formal for me when Christian left." he sighed he missed the man ad would have liked to use some of his interesting knick-knacks in his office but...*sigh*
Couldn't guess? Oh Laura knew him better than that! "Oh I know for sure why you are here!" he said with a large grin. "I saw you flashing that big gift around for me as soon as you entered the door." he stuck his tongue out at her childishly, he was glad he could joke with her. He wondered what it was.
"Thanks Laura. Can I open it?!" he said excitedly like a kid on Chistmas. Without waiting for her reply he ripped the paper off and sat back in his chair when he saw what it was. Inside the bow and paper was the statue that they had planned together, one that represented all the Division of their Department. "Oh my, Laura! This is soo touching and absolutely awesome that you had this made!" he grinned. It was the perfect size to fit on the corner of his desk, which he put it there right then.
The new Department Head stood up and walked around his desk to give her a hug. "Thanks so much, it goes perfect in here."
Laura smiled at Armen's reaction. It was like he was a kid at heart, getting ready to open a gift. She was pretty much holding her breath as he tore through the paper. Aaaand... ta-da! The little sculpture looked soo spiffy on the corner of his big new desk.
"You're so welcome," Laura said, hugging him back, glad that he liked it.
"I thought it would be the perfect thing to represent how well we worked together." It was really a shame that the competition had been cut short. And she wasn't that much of an artist. But, she had found the clay that they had planned on using for the sculpture, dug up the notes and rough sketches they'd worked on together, and put a little time in to make it come out looking pretty good.
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Harron Peasley
Leighton had heard of Armen Recards promotion the Department head, and was pleased for the man she barely knew. She'd only spoke to him for a few minutes when she had first started, but was still pleased for him. It was such an honor, and she decided she should go and congratulate him on his knew post.
Stepping up to the door, the blonde pushed her hair over her shoulder and raised a hand to knock. *Knock, knock.*
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Andrew Hatter was completely lost. Why on earth did the Ministry had to be so big?! He had a slip of paper in his hand stating his knew role and position as a Division Head of Floo and was told to go to level six. But, there were twists and turns and whatnots that left him completely confused and almost an hour later he finally reached level six. "About bloody time!" he exclaimed, not caring or even looking to see if there was anyone around him. And he wasn't alone, as a blonde knocked on the door before him. "'Ello, 'ello!" he said as he tipped his hat her way and gave her a dashing smile. "Me name's Andwew 'Atter miss!" he said in his cockney accent.
Good gracious. More knocking.
"Merlin, you're swamped," Laura said to Armen.
"I'll get out of your way now that you have that." She nodded toward the sculpture. She didn't want to take up space in his office when he was having so many visitors.