Thread: Harry Potter: Now, Forever, and Always - Sa16+
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Old 07-13-2010, 02:33 AM   #139 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Originally Posted by Ron&Hermione(L) View Post
Hehe I love Alicia Great post Emily/Abi *Sits back and waits patiently for more*
Haha, How's now? Is that soon enough? I kind of liked making the actual quotes different colors, so I shall steal it. Hope you don't mind, Abi

Emily nervously looked around at everyone. They were all staring at her, waiting for her to say something. She gulped loudly.

“You don’t know him like I do,” Emily whispered shakily. She stared at the floor, refusing to look at any of them.

“We don’t want to even imagine knowing him the way you do,” Fred spat. Emily glanced at him.

“He’s not that bad a guy,” Emily said defensively.

“No, not bad at all, he just attacked Alicia, tried to sabotage our relationship, and tried to kill us the other night,” Jamie said sarcastically.

“Jamie, please, he only did that because of me. If you want someone to blame, blame me,” Emily said as she stood up straighter.

“If you want,” he said with a shrug.

“I’m sorry, Ali, but this isn’t working. This isn’t getting sorted out. So, I’m gone,” Emily said as she looked over at Alicia, walking towards the door.

“I said we’re sorting this out!” Alicia said firmly as she blocked Emily’s way. “Now, sort it,” she said.

Emily sighed and then turned around. She leaned up against the wall, propping one of her feet back. “Would y’all like to try talking? Since me talking does nothing,” she said as she glanced at them all.

“It doesn’t make sense,” Hermione said quietly. “I mean, it’s Malfoy! You know the kind of guy he is!”

“Yes, I do. And he’s not that bad, Hermione. It’s all just a show for his father,” Emily said.

“Emily, please tell me this is all a joke, and you really don’t love him,” Ginny said. A few of the others nodded their agreement. Emily stared at them, not saying anything.

“Out of all people, I expected you to understand,” Emily said as she stared at Jamie. He met her eyes, full of fury.

“Me? You expected me to understand?” Jamie asked quietly. Emily nodded slightly. Jamie stepped closer to her. “I understand that you and Malfoy deserve each other. I understand that you’re just turning your back on your real friends for that filth,” he spat.

“Some friends you lot are,” Emily whispered.

Jamie narrowed his eyes, his hands shaking madly. Alicia started walking towards him, but she didn’t reach him in time. Jamie slapped Emily across the face. Her hand went immediately to her now pink cheek.

“Jamie!” Alicia said. She grabbed his wrists and pulled him backwards, away from Emily. “Emily, don’t! We can still work this out!” Alicia said as she watched Emily turn to leave.

Emily’s wand slipped from her sleeve and into her hand. “There is nothing to work out. I have no friends, Alicia,” Emily said quietly as she backed towards the door. “Don’t follow me this time, Ali, I want to be alone,” Emily said as she turned the knob and left.

Emily walked swiftly out the castle and started running. What else was there to do? She couldn’t go back to the Common Room. It was the weekend so there weren’t any classes. And she wasn’t in the mood to study. So, Emily did what she always did in these situations—she ran. She ran until her knees went out and she collapsed in the grass. At least it was a deserted part of Hogwarts and she wouldn’t run into any glaring people. Her eyes lifted to the sky as she started making out different clouds. Her hand absently went to her cheek as the wind blew her hair around her face. It was peaceful out, still. And it was taunting her. She wanted a peaceful life, a calm life, but no—she had to attract some sort of drama.

“Is this spot of grass taken?” somebody asked from behind her. She looked up at him upside down and shook her head.

“When did you get released?”

“About fifteen minutes ago. And then I saw you running and thought I’d follow you. Want some company?” Draco asked as he sat beside her, laying his head back on the grassy earth.

“Mmmm,” she said.

“This is what we tried to avoid, isn’t it?”

“Mmmhmm,” Emily said.

Draco took Emily’s hand and squeezed it. “Emily, I don’t want you to lose your friends for me,” Draco said softly.

“What does that mean?” she murmured.

“It means that we had our shot and I blew it. You need to go back to your friends, Ems.”

“I never knew that Forever was so short,” she whispered.

“It’s for the best,” he said as he let go of her hand.

“Funny,” she whispered.


“That’s the last thing I told you when I broke up with you,” Emily said quietly.

“I know—it’s haunted me ever since.”

“And you just decided to throw it back at me? What? So I can eat my own words?”

“You know it’s not like that.”

“Do I?”

“Ems, you’re better off without me. I know you miss your friends. And I don’t want you to give them up for me. I’m not worth it,” Draco whispered.

“Isn’t it my choice?”

“Not this time. Go back to them,” he whispered.

“You’re a right git, you know that? My friends won’t talk to me because of you!” she yelled as she stood up. He followed her actions and stood up as well.

“So, then go tell them that you and I don’t exist anymore. Tell them that we don’t want anything to do with each other,” Draco said. He looked off into the distance, not meeting her eyes.

“I hate you,” she whispered. Emily walked away from him, heading towards her dormitory.

As she walked into the Common Room, she noticed the small group around the fireplace.

“I hope you’re all happy!” she shouted at them. “We’re over! And I have you lot to thank for that!” she yelled as she walked past them, stomped up to her dormitory, and slammed her door.

Emily pulled out her broom and decided to clean it. She wasn’t in the mood to cry and drown herself in her weepy emotions. She found her Broom Kit at the bottom of her trunk. She uncorked the polish and started cleaning. After cleaning her broom, she cleaned her area of the room and reorganized all of her clothes and shoes. She spent the morning cleaning until she heard the lunch bell. She sat on the far end of the Gryffindor table and ate alone. She looked at her food and nothing else. She talked to nobody, made conversations with nobody, and acknowledged nobody.

*Alrighty, tell me whatchya think. And don't be too hard on Jamie
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