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Old 07-12-2010, 06:59 PM   #619 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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New post! It's shorter than usual, but it's the end of the chapter...

Emily and George decided to go to Amelia’s family’s cabin for their honeymoon. It had been passed down from generation to generation. And so, when her mother died, the cabin got passed down to Emily. It was perched on top of a mountain in Greenland. Emily and Remus used to go there every year for Thanksgiving until school started. Their bags were packed and they were getting ready to Apparate.

“You two have fun,” Remus said as he hugged Emily. “But not too much fun,” he said as he shook George’s hand.

George laughed nervously as Emily slapped Remus’ arm. “Oh, shut it,” Emily told him.

“Yeah, have fun,” Fred sniggered. George hit him upside the head playfully.

“Have a good time,” Mrs. Weasley said after she scolded Fred.

“Yes, yes, have a great time,” Mr. Weasley said with a smile.

“Thank you,” Emily said quietly. George kissed her hair and she giggled.

“We, er, better be off,” George said as he chuckled.

“Bye, guys!” Emily said as she hugged Ginny.

Emily and George, with their luggage, Apparated to Greenland. They arrived on the front porch of the small cottage. It was just as Emily remembered it. The rocking chairs and porch swing were in the exact same spot and the Welcome Home mat was still sitting by the front door. Emily took the key out of her pocket and placed it in the door. She twisted the doorknob and pushed it open. She started to walk through it, but George caught her hand.

“Wait here,” George whispered as he went through the door with the luggage.

“And exactly why can’t I come in?” Emily asked.

“Just wait a sec, Miss Impatient,” George chuckled. He came back with his hands empty.

“What was the point of that?” she asked with a giggle.

“So I could do this,” he said as he swooped down and picked her up, literally knocking her off her feet. Emily giggled as he walked her over the threshold.

“Mr. Weasley, why I do believe you just swept me off my feet,” she giggled.

“Well, Mrs. Weasley, you flatter me. So, now that we’re alone—” he said, letting the sentence hang there as he took her through the cottage and into the master suite.

“Now that we’re alone—?” Emily asked.

“I have a few ideas,” he whispered as he gently placed her on the bed.

“Hmm, I’d like to hear these ideas,” she whispered.

“I can show you better than I can tell you,” he whispered as he knelt down to her.

Emily pulled him on top of her by his tie. She giggled as he started kissing her neck and jaw line. “Make love to me,” she whispered. George leaned back slightly to look at her, and without another word, he started kissing her passionately, causing those famous butterflies to erupt within her.

*Let me know whatchya think

Last edited by Emileyn; 08-11-2010 at 01:23 AM.
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