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Old 07-09-2010, 07:32 PM   #131 (permalink)
Formerly: RonHermione 4 eva
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Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Ok this was not happening...was it?! Armen pinched his arm through his suit and with a large smile realized that he was in fact awake. So it had really happened! Armen had been this way the whole ride back from the Minister's Office where he had learned his application was accepted and he was now the Department Head for Level Six, Magical Transportation! He couldn't believe it. He had been working towards this day since he started in the Ministry.

He had seen four Heads leave before him and he had moved his way from Apparation to Portkey Division Head. Now he was at the top. Walking into the office for the first time was as surreal as it got. "Good morning everyone!" he said with a large grin and wave to this employees.

Just then he noticed John and his....'figurines' making a racket, and he shot the man a look. He hated those things alright. But nothing was going to rain on his parade today.
Ahhh, so this was the new Department Head huh? Well Lucas had seen this bloke before. Here of course. Obviously he worked here before he was the Department Head now. That was cool and he had an interest to see what he was going to do as Department Head, because it was interesting to him. The whole power in charge kinda thing. It was awesome too and so was the whole formal kinda thing. But he was at the bottom and he will hopefully make his way to the top. If that will ever happen but he can only wish.

So right now he wanted to make an good impression right? Obviously, having a bad impression was...well bad and totally not good for him. Yes good impressions. Formal and other stuff. He would just be normal alright. Nod. Ooh now he was speaking, well just saying good morning and obviously Lucas was going to speak back and introduce himself right. Well he could do that in a minute. It was best just to say good morning back. "Good morning," he spoke with a slight small nod of the head and a small smile.

There, now what was his name? That he didn't know yet but he would. Obviously because it wasn't good not knowing his name when he was is boss.
ANGELO JASON SORDEAU__________________________________________________ _____
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