Wands usually have one of three cores: unicorn hair, phoenix feather or dragon heartstring. Some others - like veela hair - might be used sometimes in specially made wands, but this is uncommon. It is safer to use one of the main three: wands with other cores might act in unpredictable ways and have greater chance at corrupting the user. Yes, corrupting. A good wizard's wand will aid him or her in good ways. But every wand has a dark side as well."
Madame Noire rakes the class with her gaze, now solemn. Suddenly she shakes her head slightly, and the cheery look returns to her face.
"But we aren't going to talk about that now. Back to wand corest. As you can see in your textbooks, this is what it says on the three main cores:
Phoenix: Cardinal Fire. (ruler Mars) This is the first sign of the zodiac and begins at the vernal equinox. Phoenix feathers tend to exhibit both the qualities of the magical bird whose glyph symbolizes this sign as well as those attributed to Mars, the planet which rules it. This sign is characteristically energetic and often impulsive. Natives of this sign often have great courage but may lack discretion. They are often pioneers in the magical arts but are inclined to attempt new magicks before completing the research necessary to guarantee success. They prefer to lead rather than follow. Wands with Phoenix cores are good at Transfigurations.
Unicorn: Mutable, Earth (ruler Mercury) The sixth sign, it marks the end of the summer season. Unicorn hair tends to exhibit the qualities of both the magical equine whose glyph symbolizes their sign, and the planet Mercury, which rules it. They are discriminating and often critical. They have great analytical ability, but may lack compassion. They have an attunement to the bounties of nature, and are innately sensitive to matter concerning illness and health. They dislike excess and self indulgence and have little sympathy for the troubles of others when they are caused by foolish behavior.
Throughout history, art, literature, and even religion, the unicorn has been upheld as a symbol of endurance, purity, pride, peerless strength of spirit as well as a having a certain skill for Charmwork.
Dragon: Mutable, Fire ( ruler Jupiter) The ninth sign, it marks the end of the autumn season. Dragon heartstring tends to exhibit the qualities of both the magical beast whose glyph symbolizes their sign, and the planet Jupiter, which rules it. They are philosophic and often exaggerate. They have an affinity for the magical and metaphysical, but lack in self discipline. They are visionaries and promoters but will not advocate well for anything which they do not truly believe in themselves. They are often good leaders but may carry on their campaigns beyond the bounds of good sense. Dragon heartstring-cored wands' areas of specialty often include: Healing, Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures.
Think about your wand core for a while. How does the description of the core from the textbook reflect on your personality?
Bear in mind that this book simplifies things. It speaks in a broad manner. It does not mean that every person with a dragon heartstring-cored wand is a born leader."