Originally Posted by
Miss Evi3e <3 Brillient chapter!
Aw thats so sad! don't cry Lily! *hugs Lily*
The baby sounds cute, lol
Thaaank you!
Lily: *stops crying and stares at the new comer* thank you!
I imagined it to be so!
Originally Posted by
KatielovesHP Great chappie. I'm rubbish with times and family trees etc. so James, Hugo, Rose etc are the ones we met in the epilogue. Miles is Charlie's son. Lily is upset because her cousin(?) is leaving for Romania or a different reason. And Ted and Victoire had a baby boy called Harry, I apologise if this is all wrong, I'm rubbish about this kind of thing.
How long after the eplilogue is this anyway?
Thaaank you!
Umm.. Quite a few years. James is in his last year, Rose is in her 6th, Hugo is in his 5th, Lily is in her 4th (I think), Miles, Fred and James are in the same year btw. Lily is upset cause her parents are dead and that her cousin (basically her only friend, she feels that her brothers abandoned her after her parents died) is leaving to Romania after the year is over.. She has, er. Social problems kind of, and is a highly emotional teenager..
And Ted and Vic have a baby named Harry
(and they are happy together