Madame Noire skuttles back into the class, arms laden with piles of parchment. She enters just as lunano1's ink bottle smashes to the floor.
"Oh dear," she mutters and flicks her wand. The mess vanishes. "There!"
She makes quite a show of arranging the papers on her desk. When she is finished, she turns over to the now-silent class.
"So. Perhaps a proper introduction to the course would be good. Ahem... Welcome to your first Charms class." I never was good at these, dead or alive! she thinks to herself.
"So. So, so, so..." Madame Noire twirls a semi-transparent lock of hair around her finger. "To begin with, we'll be looking at your actual wands. They are naturally your most key ingredient in magic-making. Now, if you could all take out your wands and put them on your desks."
There is a shuffle as the pupils dig around their bags and pockets for their wands. Between the commotion, Madame Noire says: "And also, turn your books to page 17, 'Wand Qualities', please."
__________________  **Graphics made by Loki** |