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Old 07-09-2010, 12:07 AM   #128 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
The sudden end to the competition had been abrupt and upsetting. Ingrid had looked forward to working with the other divisions. But in the last couple of weeks she had had enough work on her plate to make her forget the competition all together. This early day Ingrid came into the cubicle area dusty, tired and with a huge stack of files under her arm. Unauthorized apparition was a right pain in the butt. The dark haired division head passed several employee on her way to her desk mumbling "Hello!" to each and everyone of them. When she reached her desk Ingrid dropped the files with a small thud as a result and gave off a loud sigh. Sometimes people were just weird.
Laura looked over from Armen to Ingrid and adjusted her glasses as her fellow female division head entered the room. Guhh. She looked, and sounded, preoccupied. And then, Laura noticed the familiarly large pile of paperwork that she had brought with her. She returned her greeting with a short, "Hello," and a sympathetic glance at the files she dropped onto her desk. Ah, paperwork. She and Armen knew the feeling well. "Got a lot to think about, Ingrid?" she half-asked with a tired smile.

Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Armen had to chuckle a bit at the abruptness of Laura's expression change when she noticed he was talking to her. He had that effect on people sometimes, he assumed it was his up-beat attitude but who knew. "Really, your first time with them? Well they look great on you." he nodded. He had almost needed glasses but couldn't find any that fit his face so he opted against them, vain? Oh well. His collegue didn't have that problem she looked pretty good with them.

How was his Division going? "Well Potkeys are about the same as they normally are. You would think since we are in a period of familiarity, what with no major reforms in the actual use of Portkeys, we would have less trouble but apparently not. Wizards seem to think they need a Portkey for everything." he said with a sigh gesturing to the rather large stack of request forms on his desk. "I mean, don't get me wrong, it's good for business but to request a Portkey for your son's first term to Hogwarts? Don't they know there is a train?" he said with a laugh and then took the 'DENIED' stamp and put it down on the parchment, scribbling a note on the side about the Hogwarts Express. "So how is broom regulatory, any wizards spotted flying down muggle streets?" he grinned.
Gosh. Laura could have never imagined herself wearing glasses a week ago. She had always had those peevish problems with her eyes, like not being able to read the signs on doors inside the Ministry. But it wasn't bad at all if Armen liked them. "Thanks," she said again with a grin. Besides, contacts were out of the question. How did people get on with those little things sitting on their eyeballs all day?

She nodded, recalling the particularly ridiculous Portkey requests she used to occasionally run into. "A Portkey to go to Hogwarts?" Laura said in disbelief. It was a little funny, enough to be able to be laughed at, but a bit of a waste of a request form, considering students were supposed to ride the train. "Well, I guess maybe the father was just concerned about his son's well-being," she reasoned aloud. Very concerned.

"Ah, things are going okay in broom regulatory. There're always wizards being spotted flying around in Muggle areas. Thankfully, they were all spotted by other wizards," Laura replied. She sifted through the files sprawled across her desk. "I've been seeing a lot of kids daring each other to see how close they can get to Muggles without getting caught. It's a bit upsetting." She shook her head sadly. Sometimes it made her wonder if these kids thought about the consequences if a Muggle happened to notice them, heaven forbid!
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