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Old 07-08-2010, 07:03 PM   #588 (permalink)
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I loved this post!!! PARTY PARTY PARTY!!!!

Thanks for putting us in the post. Fabulous Ravenclaws Sophie, Kit and Katie!!! Sophie texted me and said we were in the post but I was slightly confused but now I'm happy.

I loved the awkward Hermione part. She loves him, I think she fell in love wit him and it was meant to be when he slayed a troll for her (Philosopher's Stone)

My aunt danced to a Shania Twain song as her first dance but I can't remeber which one it was.
You're just a daydream away,
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you.
And I'll keep you a daydream away,
Just watch from a safe place,
So I never have to lose.
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