Such a great chapter, dedicated to moi?
loved the quote from A Midsummer Night's Dream! So far, it has been my favorite of Shakespeare's work! If I'm correct, was that specific quote from one of the times when Benedick was speaking
of to Beatrice? Ah, Benedick and Beatrice... Ashtad and Hermia. It all fits.
Blaize Zabini!
I can't believe you remembered my minor scene.
The fight and the Blaise scene were completely EPIC; I'm a sucker for cold, cutting sarcasm. Even the part with Remus was heart-warming. But the part that got to me most was Hermia and Ashtad. It was the most simple scene, yet the most powerful in my opinion.
If you hadn't have put down where Hermia was dining, I would have thought that she was speaking Tagalog in the Philippines!
I have a Filipino friend that told me that 'danke' means 'thanks' in her language.