SPOILER!!: Gold and the Carter Shark!
Originally Posted by
SenoritaMaxie One word: Merlin'soldcombatboots!
Gold had really, really not thought Destiny would take her words seriously. Which was exactly why when the Slytherin gave a little scream, Gold's green eyes wiiiidennned. OOPS.
Miscalculation, there. Looked like Destiny did believe her. But how could Gold have known? She had honestly thought anyone, with the exception of first years or really clueless-leh CUUUTE small boys [and girls], would take what she had said, a minute ago, as a joke.
What she wanted to ask, when Destiny spoke to her, was what the difference was. Between a shark and Carter. Hehehe. Grinning at her own silly thoughts, Gold cupped her hands round her mouth so that her voice could reach Destiny across the water, and said,
"You can never tell who might bite!"
Yeah, Carter = shark = POSSIBILITY!
"Stay safe!"
You know, in case a tentacle suddenly came out of the water, and decided it wanted to invite an awesomely insane Slytherin to a tea-party. Because, if Giant Squids can talk, tentacles can have tea-parties, no? WAIT. Forget tentacles. Forget tea-parties. Was that Destiny's water!DUCKIIEE?
Originally Posted by
LilFox06 Carter laughed as Marie splashed him. He then dove into the water after her. This wasn't so bad. That is, until the floats pulled him uncomfortably toward the surface. Taking them off he set them on the raft. Maybe he should give them to the drowning kid. But since they were Destiny's he decided not to.
Carter was happily enjoying swimming behind the boat, pushing the raft, and playing splash games with Marie when he heard some disturbing news.
A shark? Here? Was that even possible?
He was about to look around when Destiny said that he wasn't a shark. It was true. If Carter was a shark he'd know.
Then Gold said he'd bite. Why would Gold think that he'd bite Destiny? Was he supposed to? You were supposed to listen to your Prefects afterall.
Hmm... maybe he'd just growl like a shark.
Did sharks growl?
Carter didn't know. And that was even more proof he was NOT a shark.
"It's true. I'm not a shark." he said.
Shark problem = Solved.
Unless.... Gold was a shark and she was trying to throw them off...
Destiny glanced from Gold to Carter to Carter to Gold. This glancing back and forth went on for a few seconds and she was starting to feel a tad bit dizzy. Being dizzy out on the open
sea lake was not a good sign, especially if you are on a raft. There were no sides to lean over to rid oneself from this
sea lake sickness.
But it was okay! Gold had spoke up..rather loudly, and Destiny stopped moving her head. What the Prefect had said made her turn to Carter and glaaaaare at him.
"He wouldn't DARE bite me." she muttered to herself. What if he had RABIES?
She picked up the oar Marie had mentioned earlier and held it out to show Gold,
"Don't worry Gold! I'll stay safe with THIS!" She would clobber the Carter Shark over the head.
And then Carter decided to speak up.. Now, after hearing what he had said, made her realize he was a shark. Only a shark would LIE and say he wasn't one. She made the 'I'm watching you' gesture towards the shark boy.
She WOULD be watching.
SPOILER!!: Lainey and the Lobalug
Originally Posted by
Mad Eye Touz But anyway. Lainey cackled at the thought of the squid with hammers, and even moreso at a SHARK in the water. "Destiny - your imagination is rabid! I'd be MUCH more worried about the large and fertile Lobalug I see tangled in your lovely dark hair. That can't be good for it.... "
"Alright children, serpents, and students! We have to dry our fins and start back up to the castle! Please park your boats and come gather around!!!" Lainey summoned her lawn chair from the raft and took a seat in it. All this sailing and sun was tiring, right? She should have packed a snack, really. "Just grab a seat here around me, it's too warm and we're all too wet to traipse back to the room at this point. We'll try to fit a lesson - another lesson - in here. So sit, sit, think warm thoughts and we'll finish up!"
And she was still watching Carter. Everyone knows you can't turn your back on a shark. That's when they decide to bite you. Bite you right on the behind.
Hearing her name being called, she turned in that direction. It was probably the EVIL Carter Shark making a distraction..but no, it was only Lainey talking about her being rabid. Pshaw! Destiny wasn't the RABID one, Carter was! He was a shark afterall. She laughed a little at this, but when the Professor mentioned a Lobalug in her hair, the laughter stopped.
"Nice try Professor! Everyone knows Lobalugs aren't REAL!"
Can't fool Destiny, that's for sure.
And then it was time to get out of the water!? Aww man!
Originally Posted by
The1HBIC Marie was having fun swimming behind the boat and splashing Carter when she heard someone yellling about sharks. Pfft, there weren't sharks in the lake, unless you counted the giant squid as a shark. But that couldn't be since well, he was a squid.
Feeling the wind pick up and seeing Patroclus get back on the raft Marie decided it was time for her to jump back on too. She could easily lay there and soak up some sun like Evelyn was doing. Grabbing Patroclus' hand she got back on board... just as she noticed the Duckie Floatie was no longer around Destiny, it was... Floating away.
Oh NO, Duck overboard.
"Captain, your duck is getting away, you better go save it." Yeah right, like their fearless captain was about to get in the water.
Aww, just as she was ready to catch some sun the professor decided it was time to go to shore... and learn. Well that's not fun. "Looks like we have to head to shore," she said looking around at everyone in their crew. She would rather stay out on the water but knew that wasn't going to be possible. Maybe after class they could all come back out and have some more fun.
Did Marie not see Destiny set her duck free!?
She rolled her eyes at her friend,
"Marie! When you LOVE something, you are supposed to set it free." Like Marie should be doing to Carter, since he was a shark and all.
"I think you need to paddle faster, we HAVE to get to the other side!" Like now, pronto!
SPOILER!!: Evelynnnnn!
Originally Posted by
individual Whaaaat? Like seriously? They were halfway to the other side and now they had to go back to the castle? Bahaha!
Could they sail back instead of walk? She didn't want to walk alllll the way back up to the castle. Unless she ran back. That was acceptable she supposed.
Shifting herself so she was holding herself up by her arms, Evelyn looked from the Professor and to Marie who...just repeated what the professor pretty much said. "How do we turn this thing?" she asked, looking for the nearest shore spot. Unless they sailed really fast to the other side.
No one, not even ONE member of her crew knew how to sail. Destiny did, of course, since she was the Captain and all. She should have did a background check on her crew members before hiring them. If they thought they were getting paid now, they were soooo wrong!
"Evelyn, the only thing we have to do to turn this thing is face the opposite direction!" And showing her point, Destiny turned around so she was facing Carter, Marie and Mina who were still in the water.
"See? Now we are turned around."