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Old 07-07-2010, 07:05 PM   #12 (permalink)

Mackled Malaclaw
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 11,282
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YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi

Welcome (back) to MM's!!

You're stuff's really pretty!

Can I request a PP please? 350x350.

Iris Beaumont
"Free yourself of inhibitions, Monty! Be free! Like a bird!"
"But I don't have any inhibitions!"

I don't mind where the writing goes, so long as Iris Beamont is more prominant than the quotes.

Uhm... and seeing as though my PB is like, in the middle of being completely started over, I don't want to upload anything to it just yet. Is it okay if I just give you the names of the models instead? Pweese?
Iris: Pixie Lott
Jimbo: William Moseley

Colours and stuff, I don't really mind, just make it look HAPPY.

Thank you!!
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