Hello Emily. I'm back, now for the fifth time. I've been trying to finish and comment ever sense you first posted. Sophie did a tremendous job on her comment, and there's not anything I disagree with what she said, so, what she say's goes for me too.
“Ems, cut it out. You are in love with George. And your vows will come to you if you stop freaking out. Stressing yourself out isn’t going to get you anywhere except with worry lines etched into your forehead,” Remus said. Emily chuckled lightly.
I love Remus! Isn't he the greatest?! I can't wait to hear the vows. And how oh how! could George do his so quickly?!
Before she knew it, Remus was tugging on her arm to tell her that it was her turn. She glanced at him briefly before they started walking down the grassy path. She glanced at the white chairs that were lined up to hold their families and friends. On the end of each row was a basket of sea green roses and white lilies, to match her bouquet. She looked up and met George’s eyes. Standing beneath their tree, right beside their names, he grinned broadly at her and she grinned back. Without even realizing it, her tears were released, making paths down her cheeks.
You wrote this almost to the T as to how it was with my daughter's wedding, when Steve walked her down the isle. You wasn't there was you?

Stephanie's Matron of Honor had to keep slippng her tissues during the ceremony too. Great post Emily!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be watching for your next post.