At the loony bin ❣ Ubiquitous ❣ Brain!nvader ❣ !Wake The Dead¡ I'll boil you up some hot, strong love: 12. Furnunculus
James Potter was huffing, puffing, and glaring down the grounds, at someone.
“Why does she believe him? Really? Why does she ALWAYS stand up to that rotten no body” he mumbled in frustration.
“Well, she’s a prefect for one and she’s got a kind heart” Remus pointed out.
“Right, but yet she stands up to me or let’s put it clearly, stands me up. That doesn’t prove she has a kind heart that just proves she’s blind”.
Sirius rolled his eyes, “if I didn’t know you buddy, I’d say you’re jealous of Snivellus”.
“I hope he breaks out in boils!”
“That can be arranged my friend” Sirius mused thoughtfully, “easily”. He pondered which Professor he didn’t yet spend detention with this week. Hmmm.
James scowled in the direction of the lake.
Remus mused and went back to reading.
“Potions” Sirius finally came to realize Slughorn, he could easily persuade himself out of detention by being a Black. “We could give him boils in potions, I’m a Black and you’re the finest seeker in School. Slughorn will turn a blind eye”.
“No” James shook his head, “I’m going to go knock a few Quaffles. I’ll just ignore her for a while”. |