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Old 07-05-2010, 09:32 AM   #23 (permalink)

Forest Troll
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At the loony bin ❣ Ubiquitous ❣ Brain!nvader ❣ !Wake The Dead¡

We've got the looks: 4. Blasting Curse


James whistled when he walked back into their four poster room to check on Sirius who was taking a tad longer than usual to change.

“You’ve got it worse than a blasting curse” he mused looking at Sirius through the mirror.

He had his hair tied back sleekly into a pony tail, probably missed to shave this morning and dressed in rugged black jeans, black T topping it with a black leather jacket to complete the look.

“Here got you this” he threw an identical leather jacket at James, “put it on” he rested his hands on his hips. Then made to move around his bed, “check out the boots” he mused.

“Professor McGonagall would not swallow us going to Hogsemeade in leathers”

“Nah, she’d think we’re up to tease the girls” he chuckled winking at James.

“Today my friend, we shall be muggles! Now let’s hurry up. I’m looking forward to seeing my babe”.

“Heavens we’re…” putting on the leather jacket, James mused and sleeked his hair too.

He grinned up at his friends. “You called it a babe?”

“It’s not an it… it’s a her. Be nice to her or I won’t let you drive her” he teased.

Mermaids, Zombies,...Blackbeard.
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