ooc: Oh Bob...
Vianna's eyebrows rose slightly as Ferris soon returned from the kitchen with two plates ready to be eaten. "Well that was fast," she commented with an amused smile, then chuckling softly. The girl was almost done folding the clothes and putting them away by now, as she was sending the neat piles to put themselves away in the drawers with the use of magic and that always saved up a lot more time. She could've finished even quicker if she just had the clothes fold themselves, but Vianna had always been taught to use magic as little as possible for simple tasks to avoid laziness and so it had just become a habit now. But eventually, once she was all done and the empty suitcases had been put away and the bed was clear from any clothes once again, Vianna proceeded to take a seat right in the middle of it, taking her plate of food and beginning to eat the way she always did, slowly and in small bites.