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Old 07-03-2010, 09:29 AM   #71 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Alexa Black View Post
Nate smiled, "I was raised in the Royal Family.. it's a trade-off of being born into the English monarchy.. you start speaking like one." Fairly, he was only a distant relation but where the monarch's were concerned, distant still meant apart of the family.

Right. Fantastic. He'd made a friend! Nate grinned like this was the best thing ever and winked. Great day... 'cept he'd lost his pwugy *sadface*

Nate looked frazzled for a moment, "She had a child - James I think the name was, or something like that. But ... well.. she was wearing this baggy jumper thing: I assumed she was pregnant." Ooopsy daisies.. and he'd told her *head* Maybe that's why she'd told him to go.

To do with sports? "Did you play.. uh.. Quidderitch.. no wait, Quidditch," He corrected absymally, " school?" He probably did. Everyone seemed to. "What exactly in sport? Do you want to be a sporting star?" He saw them on the News. Always doing bad things and making mistakes. Tut tut tut.
At his latter question, Nate frowned. He had no idea what he wanted to do. "Well.. I want to get out of the Department of Mysteries as soon as possible if I could but you know. It all depends on where it takes me."
Woah. The Royal Family. So that was why Nate was speaking all prim and proper, well not much just he was speaking formal. Very formal. "The Royal Family? That's very interesting. Well of course," he did have a point there. Lucas never saw people who was raised by the Royal Family speak slang. That would just be weird.

Heh. He chuckled as he watched Nate grin and wink at him, although the wink was a bit freaky but he wouldn't show that it was freaky to him. Hehehe. So he smiled back at him. He wouldn't wink though because it felt weird to do it at this very time.

"Ah, so she did?" he said yet again a little unsure. He was trying to understand him but it was kinda confusing. Baggy jumper? Well she might of been pregnant but did she always wore one? Possibly, he didn't know. "I think she was pregnant then," he nodded. It would have been better if he DID know her. But he didn't.

He smiled at him when he said Quidditch wrong. He kinda sounded like he wasn't a man and merely a young boy and it was sorta aww like. But he shouldn't be thinking that, he was a bloke not a woman. Blokes didn't think of things like that. "Yeah Quidditch. I did play it at school," and it was good. He played for about 4 terms at Hogwarts. He'd lost count though so it was around about 4 terms. "I'm not sure. There are a lot of sports which I like so it's undecided at the moment," but it should be decided though. He was 23 not 16 or something. He needed to think about what he wanted to do. Maybe he would stay in the Ministry, it was a decent job.
"Yeah I thought you might but there are good departments here," like the Department of Magical Maintenance and Ministry Security, which was on Level 8, the level that they were on. Magical Transportation was alright. Nothing special. Shruggg. "I'm sure you will get a better department," of course he would, if he asked for a transfer he would.
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