Hello Emily

Wonderful post! You put everything together very nicely.
“Fine,” Emily lied.
Isn't it funny how the most tiny innocent question is what is most often hugely lied about? Nobody expects you to say the truth. Although in Hermione's case I'm sure she wasn't specifically thinking about Sirius dying. She just missed her friend and wanted to know how she was sense she didn't see her everyday to see the answer for herself.
And they were all happy. Well, all but two.... Emily ... still felt a twang of guilt for her happiness. ... The other not completely happy person—Harry.
Forgive me for chopping up your sentences, but I just want to say how you did so good setting them both in happy settings and the both of them feeling the same. Unhappy but putting on a brave front for everyone elses sakes. I mean, I'm sure Emily had happiness about her engagement, and Harry had happiness for them also, but, they weren't exuberant like everybody else.
“Why don’t we go to the Burrow for dinner everyone?” Mrs. Weasley asked the group. “Everybody is invited,” she said. Everybody agreed and went back to the Burrow. Remus and Tonks Apparated the Grangers there, telling them they’d bring them back to their car afterwards. Fred took Hermione. George took Emily while Mr. Weasley took Ron and Mrs. Weasley Apparated with Ginny.
I loved it that they took the Grangers too! That was brilliant! I always felt so badly for them for having to miss out so much in their daughters life. Hermione did spend a lot of time away from home, during school, and the end of term. I just think it was great of you to include them in the celebration. And after being at the Weasley's house, I'm sure they were much more at ease with Hermione spending so much time with them.
Great post Emily. I'll be watching for my e-mail notification for your next post.