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Ask the egotistical Slytherin a question like that and of course he's going to agree. It was a given really, even if asked sarcastically. “So I've been told.” He nodded and shrugged.
He looked back in the direction he'd come. “Well considering I came along that way from the main street then, yeah, I'd say you were heading the wrong way.” He smiled when she agreed and not one of those 'HA HA I'M RIGHT' smiles either – just a nice normal smile at the girl with the memory loss who was going the wrong way. “C'mon.” He said taking her arm and guiding her towards the main street.
“I wasn't making fun of it.” He said genuinely, his eyebrows raised and the faintest hint of protest in his tone. “I jus' don't think my reputation could handle me being seen in a pair of tap shoes.” He laughed. “But it's obviously a real skill. I'd love to see your moves sometime, Trix.” Because, lets face it, Oliver was ok at dancing... he could ballroom dance and mimic his hero Micky Jackson, but he could never do the sort of stuff Trixie did. She was a trained dancer fer Merlin's sake!
He grinned at the question. “He might have done. He was too busy thinking about...” Crazy barkeepers and attacking his friends. “...Quidditch.”
They were getting closer to the main street. Maybe the Hogshead wasn't a good idea today. “Three Broomsticks?”
Trixie rolled her eyes once gain. Goodness he really did have a forever growing Ego. He wouldn't be able to hold it in sometime soon. Well he didn't have a problem sharing it really.
Trixie nodded.
"Eh but you can't exactly blame me" she defended herself. But the smile she received from oliver was actually genuine and not one of those boastful smiles. So Trixie relaxed a little.
"And it is my first time here" she sighed. She was taken by the arm over to the apparently correct direction and there was no protestation from the Blonde, unlike what usually happened. "
Thanks Oliver" she smiled sweetly.
Trix raised her eyebrows slightly and grinned slightly evilly. "
Oh I don't know Oliver, I'm sure you friends would LOVE to see you in a pair of tap shoes. I know Trixie Malfoy certainly would" she said teasingly. Well she felt as home in a pair of tap shoes then she did in a pair of heels that she usually wore.
"Don't worry Oliver, you WILL get to see my 'skills' some time" she reassured him. Well Trixie wouldn't miss the opportunity to show off her skills, no matter where or who she was with.
"Of course you were" Trixie said rolling her eyes.
"When aren't you?" she asked with a smirk. Well he was captain so he kinda did have an excuse to be thinking about it. But the pause was kinda unconvincing.
"Well hope you don't loose your bearings on the Quidditch Pitch. Wouldn't want to make a fool of yourself eh Oliver?" cue smirk.
Trixie nodded.
"The Three Broomsticks sounds great." And grin!