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xiiWishiWasYours Selena looked around. She was dying today. There would be crazy people running around. It was like Muggle Studies all over again. She hoped there were no saws here. Or power drills. She looked around again for someone to work with. She saw Leilani with some other guy. She wondered if... "Hey, do you guys mind if I work with you?" she said with a bit of a hopeful smile. They didn't seem crazy and didn't look like they would kill her.
Looking up from the first Slytherin girl to join him he noticed another one coming. AMBUSH!!! Oh never mind they wouldn't hurt them. *giggle* He liked the snakes more than not.
"Hello there, what's you name? I'm Chris Potter." he said holding out his other hand to shake her's. She looked a bit cautious.
"Hey now no need to be nerous working with me. I most likely won't hurt you with anything. I would feel awful ....I could lose my badge." he said pretending to be serious.
"Just kidding if I do hurt you I would care about you." he nodded as if that was anymore reassuring.
Ok so a raft. The Head Boy looked around the stuff in the area. "What do we need first?" he asked the girls.