Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
Lexi glanced from the cart to Quazi then back again. She hadn't really thought about the cart having a mind of its own, but then again, when she really thought about it, Quazi really hadn't been driving. Not that she saw, at least. For some of the ride, she had her eyes closed, and for other parts, it was just too dark to see. "Ahh, I see. Well, you're were a good companion, regardless," she said.
Lexi watched Quazi guide his fingers back down the entrance to the vault, sealing it so that no one without a key---or goblin finger---could enter. When the goblin motioned toward the cart, Lexi nodded then climbed back inside. "Alright, I'm all ready...and my hands and feet are all the way inside," she said, checking them just to make double sure.
Quazi smiled and gave Miss Carlton a nod. It was rare for Quazi to hear such a complament, but it was nice to hear it none the less.
"Quazi, just oversees but thank you Miss Carlton." It was strange to think that one could actually drive the cart, but maybe that was something she could look into. It would probably make the rides a bit more interesting.
Quazi nodded and laughed softly. She did like it so when witches and wizards listened to her words. It did make things easy as she didn't have to keep repeating herself. Quazi nodded and hopped into the cart.
Soon the cart was sooming back toward the surface through the mazes of corridors. A slight breeze blow down on them as they reached the very same stop where they first boarded the cart.
Allowing Miss Carlton out first, Quazi followed and motioned toward the stairs to the
main hall. Leaing the way up toward the surface again, Quazi bowed her head slightly and smiled.
"It was a pleasure to have your business, Miss Carlton. Please come again." OCC: please post leaving in the given thread. Thank you for playing and come back again.