Now, have we come back to Human or are we still feeling furry? You can quote, disagree with, glorify or vilify me But about the only thing you can't do is ignore me
Sarah hoisted her hand back out the way before Lupin realised he could of pulled her down. 'Damm it.' he said. Sarah hung upside down on her feet for a moment, before the twin's came in. 'Look's like our sticky trainers work.' said Fred. 'I've made matching gloves.' said Sarah, waving her hands at the twins, then demonstrating. 'Hmm, we could make a bundle out of it.' said George. Sarah transferred back to her feet. 'Have you cooled down yet Remus?' said called innocently. 'Yes. Now Get... Down.. Here.' growled Lupin, sounding more like his wolf form then Lupin. She looked at him. 'I don't think you have.' Sarah said and soaked him again. 'Argh!' shouted Lupin. 'Hey I'm fine up here. Makes a change.' said Sarah, waving her wand so a piece of chocolate came flying into her mouth. Sirius couldn't help but grin. She was so like him in many ways. Yet he knew she had the softness of her Mum and could easy forgive people. Lupin pulled out his wand and shot water at Sarah. She flipped out the way. 'You'll have to get up earlier to get me.' Sarah called. 'Now, have we come back to Human or are we still feeling furry?" she asked. Lupin grinned. 'You are so like your father in so many ways.' he said, cooling down. 'Thats better!' said Sarah, and she walked down. As soon as she touched wood, Lupin hugged her. 'Would... you... loosen... your... grip!' gasped Sarah. 'I... think... my... ribs... have... just... gone... kaput.' Lupin let go, and took hold of Sarah hand. 'How could she?' said Lupin. 'I though Azkaban was bad. She is worse then 10 dementors.' said Sarah. Sirius grabbed her hand to look, then pulled her into another rib crushing hug. 'What is it with all the hugs today?' Sarah asked, rather amused. 'We were just so worried. Dumbledore sent us a message, telling us about your exit, and where you had planned to go. We didn't think, we just acted.' said Lupin. 'For pitys sake, look at me! I'm fine!' said Sarah. 'I would of killed anyone who touched her.' said Fred, sliding down the banister. 'Me too.' said George sliding down the opposite one. 'Well, at least we can leave Sarah here safe in the knowledge that these two will keep an eye on her.' said Sirius. Lupin looked at Sarah. 'If you ever need someone other than these two, you know where we are.' said Lupin. Sarah gave her godfather a hug. 'Stop it, your making me feel guilty now.' she said, muffled. 'Remus come on, it's not like she's moving to China. It's only in Diagon Alley.' said Sirius. 'She's 15, not 5.' Lupin sighed. 'See you.' he said. 'I'll come visit. Don't worry.' said Sarah.
__________________  ... PESSIMISTIC ... AMBITIOUS ... RECKLESS ...
Last edited by Ruby85; 06-26-2010 at 07:05 PM.