Join Date: Dec 2007 Location: My own little world
Posts: 781
Hogwarts RPG Name: Secret Snape First Year | You are a pathetic excuse for a teacher, who couldn't run a school of nothing! You can quote, disagree with, glorify or vilify me But about the only thing you can't do is ignore me
Sarah sat on the floor, her back against the door, looking at the ring. She got up and called her owl. Writing a 'Yes' she sent off the owl and watched it go into the sun. She slipped the ring on. It only fit her ring finger. 'Can we come in now?' asked Lupin mildly through the door. 'Hmm? Yeah, sure.' said Sarah. The door opened at Sirius and Lupin walked in. 'What was it about?' asked Sirius, joining his daughter at the window. 'Don't be nosy Dad.' Sarah said cheekily. 'And where did that ring on your finger come from?' asked Lupin at the other side. 'What ring?' said Sirius. 'This ring.' said Lupin taking Sarah's wrist and waving her hand in front of Sirius's face. 'Maybe this letter can explain.' said Sirius, spotting the letter and taking it. He read it aloud. Sarah went tomato red. He put it down. 'My question is...' said Sirius 'where did they get the money for it. And her present.' 'Well A. The present is their joke stuff they have made and B. I gave them 2/3 of my share of the winnings for their joke shop they are getting.' said Sarah.
Sarah finally finished her 3rd year. Lupin stayed on till her 4th, when Snape got so angry about something her told the kids about Lupin's 'Furry Little Problem.' Her fifth year started. When Sarah arrived at Hogwarts, she sighed. She was going to miss Lupin, the fact if something was wrong she could always go to him, if she had a nightmare he was there to comfort her. Strangely, if she had a nightmare, as soon as she got to the door, it was open and Lupin was standing there, as if he knew. She arrived at school, a 15 year old teenage, where she met Umbridge, a foul minded witch. It was in her first lesson, for she had been moved to Harry's lesson's for being ahead, where she received her first Detention with Harry for the idiotic excuse for not being able to do spell. As she went out the classroom, she shouted 'You Miss, are a pathetic excuse for a teacher, who couldn't run a school if it was full of nothing.' She stormed out the room to receive a look from Harry. 'What the bloody hell is Dumbledore doing, letting a git for a teacher take us?' she said. 'Your telling me.' said Harry. 'I know I am.' she replied. But that evening, Sarah walked down with Harry, shoulders back, head high. Harry knocked. 'Come in.' said a sweet girly voice. As the door opened Sarah was repulsed. 'Yuck. It's too pink. Miss really get another colour in here, like maybe a purple or something.' Sarah said. She looked through a door and with a pang, remembered the night she had first come to Lupin about a nightmare. He had carried her through there, comforted her. Now, she couldn't bare to look at it. 'Ahhh, I remember you girl. You were taken for questioning 2 years ago.' said Umbridge. 'Well done Miss, Well done.' said Sarah sarcastically, clapping her hands slowly. Harry shot her a look. 'Please sit down you two. You will be writing lines.' said Umbridge. 'No No, you will use my quill.' said Umbridge as Sarah reacher for hers. 'No No, I think I will use my quill.' said Sarah, pulling it out anyway. Umbridge waved her wand, and Sarah's quill soared out of her hand. 'You will have it back at the end of the lesson Miss Black. Is your Father called Sirius Black?' 'No, He is called Stubby Bordemen and is the lead singer of the Hobgoblins.' Sarah said with sarcasm. 'What do you think!' 'Temper Temper Miss Black. Or I write to your father. Now please write I must not be rude' said Umbridge. 'Go ahead, At this moment in time, It isn't top of my priorities.' Sarah said, taking the black quill. She started to write when a searing pain came in her left hand. Looking at it, she saw what she had wrote had carved into her hand. She wrote the line again, and again, and again. No noise of pain came out of her mouth. She kept writing. After a while, Umbridge called them over. She took Sarah's arm and looked her hand. 'Not much impression, lets come back tomorrow.' said Umbridge. Sarah held out her hand, and Umbridge gave her her quill. 'Whatever.' said Sarah walking out. She looked at her hand. Waving her wand, she mended the cut instantly, and it pained no more, and she did with Harry's. 'I can make them come back again for tomorrow. But I am bringing an identical quill and red ink!' she said fiercely.
And she did. Amazingly, Umbridge didn't notice as Sarah made her cut look worse then it was, as she made Harry's. A week went past, and her detentions finally finished. Day after Day, Umbridge tormented the school, until one day, Fred and George and Sarah snapped. 'I'm gonna break out of this place.' Sarah said one night after dinner. 'Funny, we were thinking about it.' said Fred coming over. 'Yeah.' said George, joining them. 'Shall we do it?' asked Sarah. 'Well... What about Sirius?' asked George. 'If he has a problem, he can bloody well wait till Dumbledore comes back and the Idiotic Hag has gone before I come back.' said Sarah. Fred grabbed her hand. 'This is the girl I fell for.' he said, squeezing it. 'Tomorrow.' said George. 'Remember you broom.' added Fred. 'Ok.' said Sarah. Tomorrow came fast. They crept to the 3rd floor corridor at Lunch and used a portable swamp. Then they waited. Soon, they found themselves in a circle facing Umbridge, Sarah had purposely left the window open for her broom. The3 raised their wand together. 'Accio Brooms' they said, and 2 cleensweeps and the firebolt flew in front. Sarah pointed her wand at the oncoming Umbridge squad and fired curses of at them. They flew off into the sky, and landed at the new shop. 'This is going to be the Joke shop then?' said Sarah. 'Yep. We need some help decorating though.' said George. 'Hello.' said Sarah. They went in, and with a wave of her wand, all the muck, cobwebs, and dust disappeared from the building. Sarah went to open a window, and her things came over. She put them on her bed, and went into the main shop room. Fred and George were debating colours. 'I think a blue with stars would work.' she suggested. 'Hey, that's a great idea!' said Fred. Grinning she waved a wand and the walls were blue with stars. She made the doors a Bronze colour, and the celling was the same as the walls. She made the floor a shiny maple wood. 'You really have an eye for these things.' said George looking round. 'Thanks. Lets go upstairs. I need to do my room.' said Sarah. 5 minuets later, her walls were a white with splatters of multicolour paint, and her floor a black soft carpet. 'Nice' said Fred coming in. 'Thanks.' said Sarah. George came in to admire. Suddenly, a noise came downstairs.
'Sarah Samantha Sirius Black! Get down here now!' yelled a voice that was recognised as Lupins. 'Ahhh Buggerations. They found out.' cursed Sarah. She wandered to the top of the Stairs. Putting a barrier on the stairs, she called down 'Yes? Did I do something wrong?' Lupin looked more angry then ever before. Sirius looked cross, but she could she that he had pride in his eyes and a small smile on his face. She sat on the banister guarding the landing, swinging her legs, and reminded Lupin of her sitting on the desk at Hogwarts. 'What the hell do you think you're doing?!' shouted Lupin. 'Sitting here, being yelled at by you. What does it look like?' she called down. 'Don't talk back to Lupin at this moment in time young lady.' said Sirius, though there was a note of laughter in his voice. Sarah put her sticky trainers on, and walked up the wall and across the ceiling till she was right above the two, her hair hanging down. They looked up at her. 'Hello Dad, Lupin.' she said, changing her hair so they could just reach it. Lupin made to grab it, but she changed it so it was out of their reach. Sarah pulled a pair of gloves out her pocket and waved her wand so they stuck to the ceiling with her. She hung down by her hands. 'You are going to come down here right now! Or the consequences will be dear.' yelled Lupin. 'Hmm, I get that as if I don't you can't punish me. So I think you need to cool down!' she called cheekily and with one hand shot a spray of water at Lupin. He spluttered while Sirius roared with laughter. 'She isn't going to come down while your in this mood Remus.' said Sirius quietly. 'You can say that again!' Lupin whispered furiously. 'I'm going to trick her.' he said. 'No your not!' said Sarah and Lupin looked to see an extendable ear hanging above them. He made a snatch for it, but she hoisted it out of the way before he could. Sirius couldn't help but laugh at Sarah's antics. Sirius said 'Why did you leave Hogwarts?' 'Because that toad of a teacher called Umbridge was driving me round the bend. Look at my hand and what she made me do in detention!' Sarah called and made her arm extend down for Sirius. He took hold of it, and saw the inflamed carvings that Umbridge had forced her to do. 'i'm not going back till the Hag has gone and Dumbledore has returned.' Sarah said., as Lupin had a look. Colour drained Lupin's face.
__________________  ... PESSIMISTIC ... AMBITIOUS ... RECKLESS ...
Last edited by Ruby85; 06-25-2010 at 09:28 PM.