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Old 06-25-2010, 08:09 AM   #25 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lucas L. Rodemiere
Third Year

SPOILER!!: DaniiixD
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
To be honest this was Lyric calm. If you wanted to see her angry....well that would have been her a few minutes ago when she had poured the coffee onto Parker`s lap. "Hello Egypt. Parker here was just being an idiot and decided to disturb my morning with his rude antics. He learned the hard way that, that leads to getting hot coffee poured on you." She could have done something worse. But the coffee had just conveniently been in her hands at the moment. By the look on her face she did not seem amused. "Bad morning I presume?"

"Of course I'm a hypocrite. You should know by now that everyone in the world is. I'll even admit it. And if that makes me seem coincided or stubborn or just plain mean? Then be it." James had some seirous growing up to do. He had done it on purpose. But he just wasn't man enough to admit it. And his name calling so was effective.

"That makes sense. But actually I would rather keep to my self then by that idiot who never stops talking who and acts like a fool that everyone wants to get away from." Cough. Cough. That should have been obvious. Lyric took another sip of her new coffee. Maybe it was time to leave? She didn't want any more confrontations with any co-workers.

Rude? Idiot? James snorted, "You're a psycho, anti-social, angry female. I apologised - you haven't apologised for spilling coffee on me..stupid cow.."

He reaally didn't like her.

What the...!!!??? "That totally disqualifies your little hissy fit! So you're.." He poked her in the shoulder to accentuate the pronoun, "A stupid, dumb rich girl." Ha! Win for Jamesy!
Mean? "No, Lyric. It doesn't make you sound like any of that - it makes you sound idiotic." Now he was just plain irritated.

Pff. "You make judgements on people you don't even KNOW! Keep going like that you'll die the krazy, kat lady." And with that, he fell onto the couch with a sigh.

SPOILER!!: Tishh<333
Originally Posted by Tomasina Riddle View Post
She looked at James as he called Lyric a...well she wasn't even going to think of that name. She pointed her wand at his mouth, using the soap washing non verbal. The same charm she used on her children hundreds of times when their mouths ran away with them. "James Parker if I ever hear that short of language tumbling out of your mouth there will be more of that." she wagged her wand at him.

She looked at Lyric wondering why someone would just want to start things for the sake of starting things. It didn't make any sense. "Well Lyric, I'm sure James didn't mean to interrupt you." She looked at James. "But there are far better ways to voice your displeasure at a turn of events. You didn't need to dump hot coffee on someone." she pointed out.

She sighed. "Yes I've had a bad morning and frankly you two fighting like my children just doesn't help things." She rubbed her temples and closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "So can we please shake hands and be friends again? I really don't like fighting." And she didn't.

James gaped at Egpyt aghast, "MEE!? What about HER!?" That wasn't faaaaiiiir! But he was cut off as she aimed a spell at him and he choked on the soapy suds, "EGYPT!" He yelped, spitting soapy suds everywhere.


When Egypt when mother hen on Lyric, James smiled sadistically. Now, she was getting her own. HA! Take that angry woman!

And then Egypt had spoken her own. Shake hands? Was she.. sane?
"I'm not shaking her hand with a ten foot pole, let alone my precious hand. She might give it a disease.." Was anti-social, angryness contagious?
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