Originally Posted by
EmilyMalfoy I have a request.
1. What do you want: Story-Banner
2. Size: Doesn't matter, just not too big
3. Color Scheme: Lots of random colors please
4. Text: The Trip into the unknown Sa9+
5. Pictures:
6: Anything else: Could you put them all in, plus the one of the boy twice and put their names under it?
Jess or Sammi can take you!
Originally Posted by
Spencer.Reid.Obsessive oooh! A new shop! I wann grab the 2nd requestie!
1. What do you want: (Avvie, Siggie, PP.....) RP Banner!
2. Size: (Any Specific size you want) 250x400
3. Color Scheme: (Any color you want) I'm not picky!
4. Text: (What do you want it to say) The Deal; I've waited this long, I don't wanna wait longer.
5. Pictures: (Please put in Spoiler or Links)
SPOILER!!: pics
6. Anything Else: (Is there anything else that you might want or Comments) I want Kyle and Danielle in the middle, but other than that, no specifications.
Thanks in advance!
I'll snag this request!!!!
Spencer.Reid.Obsessive-RP BANNER-Bre
Emily Malfoy- STORY BANNER-?