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Old 06-24-2010, 05:56 PM   #59 (permalink)
Formerly: RonHermione 4 eva
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Default Zomgg rotfl!!
Piercas|Zayler|Chaia♥Cyphlan|Mr and Miss Forgetful|Whittiesaur+Bee|Co-Inceptor|Ellina

Originally Posted by Alexa Black View Post
Nate clapped excitedly when he said he understood. He had finnnallly cracked the language! He was about to break into leprechaun dance when he .. said he didn't? Aww.
"But.." Then he introduced himself and Nathan stuck out his hand sadly. So now he was missing pluggy AND he couldn't communicate with his co-workers. Shizzle out.

"Nathan.. Nathan Callingham.." *pout*
Hahaha!! Lucas was laughing right now at his actions. He soo couldn't help it. He frowned though when he saw his look.
"I know mate," he nodded. Awww, now he felt slightly bad for the guy who was missing his...plug. Still weird though, maybe he was a Pureblood and knew NOTHING about Muggles and was excited about a plug?

He furrowed his eyebrows at the man but shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Nathan though," he tried to offer a smile and was thinking anything what will make Nathan feel better.
ANGELO JASON SORDEAU__________________________________________________ _____
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