Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor Ferris grinned as Vianna started chuckling, calling him Mr. Montgomery before reminding him that she didn't like married men. His eyebrows raise, "That's a bit of a problem," he said, pausing on the cobblestones so he could pull her over to him and let his arms wrap around her waist. "Because this married man likes you," he murmured with a soft chuckle of his own, brown eyes sparkling at her as he pulled her into his chest, leaning through their height difference to peck her lips sweetly. But he wanted to keep her distracted, as he'd become the expert in reading her facial expressions, and the second Nikoleta had left her lap, he could immediately tell that she missed her. It was odd...he'd never seen his wife like that. Granted, with animals she was always reluctant to ever let them go, but that was regarding animals, just pets. This was a kid.
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