ooc: Yeah I definitely feel more energized now!

I was just soooo tired earlier. Like, I wanted to be online, but... like, all lazy, just posting dumb stuff... pranking people... etc.
Vianna gave a light amused giggle as the little girl sitting on her lap began to share something with her in Greek before distracting herself by playing with the Italian girl's long brown hair, trying to braid it but failing rather miserably at it; she was a little too young still, probably around four, to really know how to braid yet. But that didn't stop her from running her little fingers through the girl's silky hair, playing with it and commenting something every now and then, rather startling Vianna. But there was Vianna, just watching her rather admiringly, and then all of a sudden the little girl would jump and say something out in Greek rather loudly, excitedly, and it never failed to make Vianna jump a little in surprise before giving a soft, amused chuckle. She'd never known Greek children could be so friendly; or at least the ones in this small town; and she couldn't help but be reminded of her homeland, as the little kids all could have easily passed off as southern Italians, with their tanned skin and lively nature which Vianna was so used to seeing in the kids in her own homeland.
The girl was momentarily distracted from the little girl sitting on her lap, though, as she turned to the boy beside her only to find him having a conversation (sort of) with the little 3-year-old sitting on his lap, only to have other kids come in and try to add in their own Greek comments. Vianna giggled lightly at this sight, completely endeared by it. But she couldn't help it, her husband just looked so cute all surrounded by little kids trying to share their stories with him, it was something that got her crystal blue eyes to sparkle with adoration before she was snapped back to reality as the child on her lap began speaking again, calling out a certain Greek word. "Huh?" Vianna gave the child a puzzled look; and, the child, seeing that Vianna wasn't understanding her, proceeded to take the girl's cheese from her hand and took a small piece from it, then handing it to Vianna. Vianna's eyebrows rose slightly and she chuckled softly; she wanted her to eat the cheese! "Oh, well, thank you!" said the girl with another chuckle, taking the small piece of cheese and taking a bite from it, being watched closely by the little girl sitting on her lap waiting to hand her another piece.