Originally Posted by
Colley ♥ "Well, something as simple as that couldn't really be enough to actually break your wrist." Lilyan replied, looking over the girl's wrist just like she had JUST looked at Trixie's wrist.
"Yes, see, it's a simple sprain, but that can hurt a lot." She handed over the potion and bandaged the girl's wrist, "Favor your arm, this will heal on its own, and the potion will speed the process, and take away the pain."
Lily....blinked at the child. Skin cancer, really? Really now?
Leaning forward, she took a look at the spot that she had pointed out, "I see it." She nodded, "But it is not cancerous." And even if it had been, that probably wasn't something she should take care of here, on her own, that would be something to be sent off to Mungo's for.
SAvannah let out a sigh as she said it was a sprain. She wasn't going to argue but Savannah knew it wasn't a sprain. It hurt too much to just be a sprain. She didn't want to look bad in front of the healer though, that wouldn't be good. so she said nothing and just nodded. Ouch,it was bandaged up tight.
It wasn't ? no, clearly she had it wrong.
"Are you sure ?"She asked, looking at he spot.
"It's rather bug and I have never seen it before..."