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“Father, I wasn’t aware you would be making it,” Draco said quietly as Lucius Malfoy joined the party of three at the Three Broomsticks. Pansy smiled stupidly as her father kept studying Draco.
“Of course I would make it, Draco. Don’t be stupid,” Lucius replied. Draco’s cheeks flushed pink for a moment before returning to their usual pale. Lucius sat down on Draco’s left as Pansy grabbed Draco’s hand in his lap. Draco did his best to hold back from rolling his eyes and snatching his hands away.
“I see you two are getting along quite well,” Mr. Parkinson observed, indicating to Pansy and Draco.
“Have you thought about when you want your wedding?” he asked.
“I don’t want to rush into anything,” Draco said automatically. Cassius’ eyes narrowed and Draco looked away.
“Maybe after we finish school,” Pansy put in. Cassius smiled at his daughter.
“Yes, yes, after school will be good,” Lucius agreed. Draco stayed quiet.
“So, Draco, Cassius was telling me an amusing little story. Want to guess the subject?” Lucius asked, his eyes boring into Draco’s skull.
Draco wouldn’t meet his father’s eyes. He shook his head slightly.
“I have no idea, father,” Draco said in a monotone voice.
“Well, Pansy seemed to have an encounter with two certain Gryffindors. And it was all about you. Is there anything you’d like to tell me?” Lucius asked coldly.
“It’s not my fault if I’m popular, father.”
Lucius hit his son in the back of the head.
“Don’t play dumb,” he said coldly. Cassius glared at Draco while Pansy dropped his hand.
“I don’t even know which Gryffindors you’re talking about,” Draco lied with a straight face.
“It was a Miss Black,” Lucius started. Draco flinched at her name.
“And a Miss Daniels,” he finished.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Draco replied.
“Since I knew you wouldn’t be one for sharing, I asked for someone to check up on you,” Lucius said with a hard face. Draco tensed. He wasn’t expecting this. If Lucius found out about Emily, she’d be dead, especially with her parentage.
“Last year you disappeared almost nightly, Draco. Where did you go?” he asked.
“Most likely the kitchens for a late night snack,” Draco replied.
“Don’t lie,” Lucius growled.
“What answer are you looking for, father?” Draco asked in frustration. He glared up at his father, grimacing.
“How about a week ago on the North Tower?” Lucius asked, anger boiling into his face.
“Did you kiss Daniels?” Pansy shrieked, covering her mouth with her hands. Cassius’ face grew red as he glared Draco down.
“Of course I didn’t! Maybe you should get a better spy,” Draco replied, sweat forming at his hairline.
“He saw you and her kissing, Draco. Now, explain why you disgraced the Malfoy name,” Lucius said, pounding the table with his fist.
“Do you enjoy embarrassing me, Draco?” he shouted. A few people glanced over at them, but looked away quickly when they realized who it was.
“I didn’t… She…kissed me,” he lied quickly.
“Don’t lie,” Lucius repeated.
“Draco, it must have been dreadful,” Pansy purred as she grabbed his hand again.
“I’m not lying, father. She kissed me,” he said slowly. Draco internally felt sorry for Daniels. He hoped that his father wouldn’t do anything to her family. Draco shook the thoughts from his head.
“If I find out differently, Draco,” Lucius started to threaten. Lucius glared at Draco as he nodded.
Phwew, crisis averted, Draco thought. Draco excused himself from the table quickly and Pansy followed after him. She grabbed his hand and he rolled his eyes.
Pansy started rambling on about Alicia and Emily and their stupidity, calling them names. As she and Draco reached the street, he huffed loudly.
“Would you just shut it, Pansy?” he yelled at her. People stared at them as they passed. Pansy’s jaw dropped.
“Why? Do you not like me insulting them? Did you like it when Daniels kissed you?” Pansy screeched, horror in her eyes.
“Of course not, don’t be ridiculous,” Draco said loudly. He yanked his hand from hers.
“Then why would your reaction be like that? You like her, don’t you?” Pansy asked in shock.
“Which one though? Is it Daniels or is it Black?” Pansy asked quietly.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Draco replied evenly. He flinched at Emily’s name. Pansy narrowed her eyes.
“Ugh! I can’t believe you like her!” Pansy yelled. She turned on her heel and flew through the crowd. Draco watched after her for a second, realizing he
would hear from his father about this, and then he walked away, through the rushing crowd.
Originally Posted by
Thank you! That really means something to me...
Emily'll probably agree too! It does mean something to me too
I think they're working even though they're not approved... Well, they worked for me 
If no- one can see the dresses, ask Emily if she can make it work. I shall try because the pics weren't working for me..
Emily's Dress Ginny's Dress Hermione's Dress Alicia's Dress